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Recap / Fanboy And Chum Chum S 2 E 38 Heroes Vs Villains

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When Fanboy and Chum Chum disagree over either heroes or villains being better, they imagine themselves as the hero/villain duo Super Chum and Fannihilator and battle.


  • Bait-and-Switch: Fanboy decides to ask "the greatest supervillain the world has ever known". Cue Kyle entering and sounding quite devious...then Fanboy shoves him aside and picks up a Crabulous figure which was what he was really going for.
  • Captain Obvious: Joey's superhero persona.
  • Damsel in Distress: Fanboy captures Yo and ties her up over a pit of bears as part of his gambit.
  • Feud Episode: Between FB and CC over which alignment is better.
  • Imagine Spot: What makes up most of the episode.
  • Insistent Terminology: "I am not your henchman!"
  • Out-of-Character Moment: Fanboy was shown to despise Global Warmer, but he idolizes him this episode and wants to be like him.
  • Sadistic Choice: Fanboy in his villain persona gives Chum Chum the choice to save either Yo from being mulled by a bunch of angry bears or save a school bus full of kids that is teetering on the tip of a mountain top over lava.
  • Superhero Episode: Naturally.
  • Shout-Out: Several to attain to the superhero theme.
    • "Meanwhile, at the Jungle Gym of Justice..."
    • Super Chum can be seen as a substitute for Superman.
    • Yois Yane? Seems an awful lot like Lois Lane...
  • Take a Third Option: Chum Chum manages to save both the kids on the school bus and Yo by first picking up the bus from the mountain and using his mind control abilities to stop the bears from hurting Yo.
