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Recap / Family Matters S 3 E 4 Words Hurt

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Tropes seen in this episode:

  • An Aesop: The episode title is Exactly What It Says on the Tin: Words – even if in anger and not meant to be heard by the person directed at – hurt.
  • Get Out!: Carl doesn't go through the usual Once per Episode routine with Urkel this time after the nerd destroys his ship-in-a-bottle. He just cruelly yells at him and literally chases him out the door.
  • Jerkass: Carl, after Urkel had accidentally destroyed his ship in a bottle. Granted, Urkel was being his usual clumsy, annoying self, but Carl's anger – especially when he knew how Urkel was (he could have put his project in another room once completed) – was out of line.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Carl directly yells at Urkel for destroying a project he had worked on for months. Afterward, Carl – unaware or uncaring that Urkel can still overhear him – fumes to Laura about how Urkel is a pest and wishes he'd never return.
  • Tranquil Fury: And the thing about Carl's yelling at Urkel was that he never screams or shouts at the top of his lungs ... he just growls at him like a dog rabidly stalking its prey.
  • Silent Treatment: What Harriette, Rachel and even his mother, Estelle, plan to give Carl until he sincerely apologizes to Urkel for his words of anger.
