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Recap / Family Guy S 5 E 15 Boys Do Cry

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Air Date: April 29, 2007

The Griffins are chased out of Quahog after Stewie throws up the host wafer during Communion (which the church-going crowd thinks is a sign that Stewie is the Devil) and end up in Texas, where Lois wants the family to start a new life after realizing that their moral values have gone down the toilet.

This episode contains examples of:

  • Ambiguously Gay: Stewie, who enjoys acting in a very feminine manner and cross-dressing in disguise as a Miss Texas Sweetheart pageant winner.
  • Ask a Stupid Question...: Jillian, of course:
    Jillian: How do I know if I'm Jewish?
    Brian: Are you Jewish?
    Jillian: No.
    Brian: There ya go, sport.
  • Bowdlerization: On the TV version, the Texas sign reading "The Fuck You State" has "Fuck" blurred out. You can see it uncut on the DVD.
    • Stewie's line about beauty pageants being a first-class ticket to "a semen-covered death in the basement" (the original line on DVD and [adult swim]) was altered on FOX to "semen-stained." How this is an improvement is anyone's guess, as semen is still on the corpse of the child in the mental image, though "covered" implies that the semen was (for lack of a better word) freshly put on the corpse while "stained" implied that the semen on the corpse isn't fresh.
    • The sermon in church is different between the FOX version and the DVD (or [adult swim]) version. On the FOX version, the sermon was about Paul telling his next-door neighbor to do something about his crying baby. On DVD and [adult swim], it was about the sin of masturbating into a sock and tucking it away in a hamper as if it's been there for a while.
    • The Netflix version is a weird mix. While most of the episode is the uncut DVD version, the shot of the sign that reads, "Welcome to Texas: The Fuck You State" has "Fuck" blurred out.
  • Brick Joke: When Chris and Meg enter George W. Bush's ranch, they pass three framed pictures on the wall, the last one being Dubya posing with the Super Devil introduced earlier in the episode.
  • Call-Back:
    • Peter being mentally retarded was previously brought up in "Petarded".
    • The aroused cow that Peter brands is the same one from "Jungle Love".
  • Characterization Marches On: Brian actually going to church with the family, two seasons before he reveals to the family that he's an atheist. It's most likely a case of the writers forgetting this, or his lack of faith hasn't been established yet.
  • Comically Missing the Point: Stewie when he tries being a girl and refuses cake for dessert, saying it'll make him fat.
    Stewie: None for me, thanks! It's going to go straight to my vagina! (Looks at a dumbfounded Brian) That's what girls worry about, right? Having big vaginas?
  • Deep South: Not even "To Love and Die in Dixie" was this merciless in demonstrating the rather low blows Family Guy gives to the South.
  • Drugs Are Bad: One Cutaway Gag parodies an anti-pot commercial by having Meg deflated on the couch and Stewie explaining that she's been like that ever since she started smoking pot. Then Stewie gets a "contact high" and the same thing happens to him.
    Stewie, now deflated: Oh, now I'm messed up too...
  • Forgot Flanders Could Do That: Lois' ability to play the piano, which was mostly forgotten after the first three seasons, becomes a plot point again.
  • The Friendly Texan: Zig-Zagged. When the Griffins flee to Texas, they are initially welcomed by their neighbors with open arms. This changes after they learn of Peter being mentally retarded and Stewie winning a beauty pageant after pretending to be a girl. They promptly turn on the Griffins, forcing them to return to Rhode Island.
  • Halfway Plot Switch: The first part of the episode is about Lois becoming the new organist at church. When Stewie throws up after drinking the communion wine during one sermon, the churchgoers think he's possessed and try to have him exorcised by force. This results in the main plot of the family fleeing to Texas and embracing the new lifestyle there.
  • Innocent Innuendo: Quagmire falls for this when the church announces the need for a new organist. Quagmire excitedly enters the church, only to be slapped in the face and exit moments later, annoyed.
    Quagmire: Why do you say "organist" if you don't want... I don't understand the world anymore.
  • Not Helping Your Case: When Lois protests Peter bringing his horse into bed:
    Peter: Lois, I cannot believe you would ban the horse from our bed. He is a graceful, majestic creature who is a part of this family and only wants you to love and respect- the horse may have pooped in the bed.
  • Not Quite the Almighty: Played for Laughs with a demon version of this-the Griffins are able to return to Quahog when it turns out the Devil is not the biggest threat to salvation. Rather it's the Super Devil.
  • Only Sane Man: Bruce is the only churchgoer to realize that Stewie will get sick from drinking communion wine but not because he's unholy but from the simple fact it's wine.
  • Shout-Out:
    • The title is a reference to Boys Don't Cry.
    • A scene during the car trip where a sexy female driver flirts with Peter, only to get hit by a truck is a reference to National Lampoon's Vacation (the scene isn't shown on FOX, but can be found on DVD and on [adult swim]).
    • Chris showing the teenagers Bush's underwear is a parody of a scene from Sixteen Candles where Anthony Michael Hall's character does the same thing after asking Molly Ringwald's character for her underpants.
    • When Stewie's wig falls off at the pageant, someone mistakes him for Enrico Pallazzo.
  • Stubborn Mule: Brian says that conservatives are as stubborn as a mule, which triggers a Cutaway Gag to a man and a mule playing Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon, with the mule refusing to believe that Bacon was in Footloose.
  • Take That!: At Christians, Republicans, and Texans.
    • To the WNBA (the women's version of the National Basketball Association) in a cutaway.
    • Peter's end speech about how people need to be more responsible on what they let their children watch on TV rather than taking their issues to the show itself is a burn against the Moral Guardians who always complain that Family Guy (and Seth MacFarlane's other works) are too vulgar for TV.
  • Talking in Your Sleep: Dick Cheney guarding George W. Bush's ranch:
    Cheney: (mumbling) 18% approval rating. (snores) I'll give you 18% of my foot in your ass.
