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Recap / Empath: The Luckiest Smurf - Who's That Smurfette?

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A retelling of Smurfette's origin, adapted from the 1980s cartoon show version of "The Smurfette".

Tropes associated with this work:

  • Distracted by the Sexy: This time it's Dimwitty who's so distracted by Smurfette's presence that he hammers Tuffy into the ground instead of the post he's holding.
  • Food as Bribe: As in the cartoon show version, Smurfette tempts Greedy with the promise of a smurfberry cake if he opens up the gate of the dam to let water flow out of it and flood the village.
  • I'm Melting!: Papa Smurf melts Smurfette's physical form back into blue clay after separating her spirit from her body, then casts a spell that reunites her spirit and changes her physical form into that of the blond-haired version of Smurfette.
  • Naked on Revival: Smurfette when she is changed into her blond-haired iteration finds herself naked upon being revived, so Papa Smurf casts another spell that puts some clothes upon her.
  • Sickeningly Sweet: Gargamel refers to the Smurfs as being the "sweetest creatures you'll ever find in the sweet that they will make you sick!" when he tells the newly-created Smurfette what she was to do.
