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Recap / Duck Tales S 1 E 42 Raiders Of The Lost Harp

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On a dig where he discovers the lost City of Troy, Scrooge acquires a magical harp that can determine if someone was lying or not. However, Magica de Spell wants the harp for herself, and so does the harp's guardian: a five-story stone Minotaur.

This episode contains examples of the following tropes:

  • Arbitrary Skepticism: Scrooge knows magic existsnote  but didn't think there was anything magical about the Minotaur statue guarding the harp. He ends up paying for it.
  • Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: The Minotaur is probably one of the biggest creatures in the Duck Tales world.
  • Borrowed Catchphrase: At the end of the episode, Scrooge says he doesn't really mind having lost the harp. The nephews think he's not being honest, so they chorus, "You are fibbing, fibbing, fibbing!" as the harp did.
  • Cutting the Knot: After putting in her safe's combination and it still refuses to open, Magica just smashes it with a sledgehammer.
  • Furry Confusion: Minotaurs are half-bull, half-human; unsurprisingly, the Chief of Duckburg Police is confused about how to describe it. "Like a living stone statue with the head of a bull and the body of a... a..."
  • Golem/Living Statue: The Minotaur.
  • The Juggernaut: The Minotaur when it's coming after the harp. It will never stop until the harp is returned to its rightful place.
  • Lie Detector/Living Lie Detector: The harp will speak up whenever someone lies in its presence.
  • Non Sequitur, *Thud*: When Scrooge's desk falls off her car and skids over her, Magica is left woozily saying "Mr. Poe, get license number of that desk" before keeling over.
  • Our Gryphons Are Different: The door to the city of Troy is marked by the carving of a griffin. The sight of it spooks all of Scrooge's superstitious diggers, but Scrooge is brave enough to open the door.
  • Our Minotaurs Are Different: In this case, one's a giant colossal statue that guards the harp.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: When the minotaur statue comes to life, its eye glow a spooky red.
  • Shout-Out: The title is one to Raiders of the Lost Ark (ironically, an adventure inspired Carl Bark's 1950s Uncle Scrooge comics, its Signature Scene taken wholesale out of the issue "The Seven Cities of Cibola").
  • Steal the Surroundings: "You won't give key? Then I take desk!"
  • Sticky Situation: Scrooge attempted to trap the Minotaur in bubblegum from his factory. Unfortunately, even it can't hold the creature for long.
  • Trojan Horse: One of the treasures of ancient Troy was the famous wooden horse. Magica would later use it to sneak into Scrooge's museum so she could steal the harp.
  • Walk, Don't Swim: The Minotaur travels to Duckberg by walking along the sea floor the whole way.
  • Worf Barrage: A submarine blasts the Minotaur at point-blank range with both tubes and didn't even scratch it.
