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Recap / Dragon Ball Z Abridged E 34

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"Father, I hope to get to know you a little better next time. Mother... I hope to get to know you a little less."
Trunks, to himself as he leaves the present timeline.

Original Airdate: April 29, 2013
Trunks ends up telling Goku a little more than he wanted to.

Goku finally returns to Earth and he is surprised that his friends were waiting for him. The mysterious guy reveals to Goku his origins, and how most of them will be killed by two Androids in the Future. With that knowledge, they have only three years to train.

However, there is one more question on everyone's minds: How exactly did Goku survive Namek's destruction?

What are you talking about? We're just studying these tropes:

  • Belligerent Sexual Tension: The confrontation that led to Vegeta and Bulma having sex began as Bulma wiring into the spacecraft/weight room to yell at him for working through his previous injuries. They end up Volleying Insults, and eventually Bulma invites him to her bedroom after a series of exchanged Atomic F-Bombs.
    Bulma: Oh, no! The Prince is getting all huffy! What are you gonna do, try to blow up Earth again? Because I have Goku on speed dial.
    Vegeta: You must be as stupid as he is if you think he knows how to work a phone!
    Bulma: Don't you call me stupid!
    Vegeta: Okay, then how about BITCH?!
    Bulma: Arrogant dick!
    Vegeta: Spoiled sow!
    Bulma: F*** you!
    Vegeta: F*** you!
    Bulma: F*** YOU!
    Vegeta: F***! YOU!
    Bulma: room, 10 minutes.
  • Bearer of Bad News: The reason for Trunks traveling to the past, besides give Goku the heart medicine, is to warn Goku and the others of the impending Android/Cyborg threat, though he had to help Goku understand the situation. Piccolo overhears and helps Goku relay this to the other Z-Fighters.
  • Black Comedy: Trunks reveals that the rest of the Z Fighters were killed by the Androids after Goku died. Yamcha died between those times via hanging himself because he finds out that Bulma got pregnant with Vegeta's child. Goku lampshades this.
    Goku: Dark.
    • The cut version is even darker, as Puar asks, over a scene of Yamcha's slowly swaying hanged body:
      Puar: Yamcha...can I stop being the rope now?
  • Cannibalism Superpower: According to Goku, he gained the power to teleport by being fed sick Yardrats, as opposed to training under them in canon.
  • Clarke's Third Law: Goku insists that the "muffin button" is how he survived the explosion of Namek.
    Gohan: Please don't say "muffin button."
    Goku: But it was! There's science and stuff!
  • Destructo-Nookie: Bulma and Vegeta have sex, with Vegeta shooting an energy blast through the roof.
  • Deus ex Machina: Back in episode 30,the Namekian Dragon Porunga stated that he couldn't revive Goku because he never died on an exploding Namek. He is also unable to summon him back to Earth because Goku simply didn't want to. Now that he is back, Krillin is the first to ask how he survived. Nobody believes that Goku was actually saved from the explosion by the Muffin Button. Somehow, he made so many muffins in Freeza's ship that they form a seal around him, keeping him well protected and well fed, as he is sent to Planet Yadrat.
  • Dies Differently in Adaptation:
    • In canon, Goku's death in Trunks's time was because of a virus that he caught from unknown causes. Here, it's from a heart attack because of the cholesterol buildup from eating too much bacon.
    • Unlike in canon, Yamcha doesn't meet the same fate as the other Z-Fighters. Instead he hangs himself using Paur as the rope after finding out Vegeta got Bulma pregnant.
  • Driven to Suicide: According to Trunks, Yamcha doesn't make it to the fight with the Androids because he hangs himself after finding out that Vegeta got Bulma pregnant. Fortunately, Goku manages to prevent this in the main timeline.
  • Drives Like Crazy: Both Goku and Piccolo go for joyrides.
    Goku: Soooo... Wanna go drive cars?
    Piccolo: Bitchin'.
  • Early-Installment Weirdness: A little. Goku's first Instant Transmission doesn't have its signature pop noise when he uses it.
  • Foreshadowing: After Goku reveals how he survived and learned Instant Transmission, he was asked why he didn't arrive sooner to face Freeza. He responds that he was willing to give his friends a chance to save the day, leading to this exchange which teased what's to come much later.
    Piccolo: Please don't make a habit of that.
  • Gosh Dang It to Heck!: Goku sings "Highway to HFIL".
  • Mythology Gag:
    • Trunks tries to correct Goku that the Androids are actually called Cyborgs, the correct translation for a few of the Saga's antagonists.
    • The original version of the episode has Goku seemingly dying on an exploding Namek, but was later retconned with him finding a space pod at the last minute. Rather than do that in the abridged version, Goku instead survives the explosion via "Deus Ex Muffin-a"
    • The two driving scenes are from a DBZ filler episode before the Androids Saga began. In that episode, Chi Chi forces Goku (and Piccolo) to take a driver's exam.
  • Namesake Gag: Of course, Vegeta and Bulma would have sex in Episode 34.
  • No Challenge Equals No Satisfaction: While Vegeta likes Bulma's idea of murdering the Androids' creator in cold blood before he even thinks about the idea, he believes using the Dragon Balls will take away that challenge and so he shoots it down. Goku shares this sentiment thanks to their Saiyan instinct.
  • Non Sequitur: The aforementioned Joyride. A looming threat has been revealed and almost everyone goes immediately to train and prepare. Goku and Piccolo? Joyrides.
  • Oh, Crap!:
    • Trunks multiple times around Goku. First when he screws up his name (but Goku fails to notice), and then when he lets slip that Bulma is his mom.
    • Bulma also, when she realizes that Vegeta isn't using a condom.
  • Parental Neglect: Goku and Piccolo leave Gohan in the ground to drive cars the second time.
  • Plausible Deniability: When Goku, Piccolo, and Gohan are off training, Goku told Chi-Chi they were going to the Ozarks.
    Goku: Please, never tell her we were here.
    Piccolo: What are you talking about? We're just "studying".
  • Precision F-Strike: This is the first time the word "fuck" is uttered uncensored and full volume,note  to emphasize the fact that Bulma and Vegeta's hook-up was without protection, leading to the conception of Trunks.
  • Running Gag: This begins the gag about Goku not liking grapes or grape flavoring. A minor Take That! at the first Funimation English dub when Goku wonders if the medicine Trunks gave him is grape flavored.
  • Shout-Out: When they talk in private, Trunks accidentally calls Goku Sun Wukong. Interestingly, Sun Wukong is a main character from Journey to the West, a classic Chinese tale which Goku and the entire Dragon Ball franchise took inspiration from. The name "Son Goku" is how Sun Wukong's name is pronounced in Japanese.
  • The Stinger: After the second car scene, it shows Gohan still laying in the snow bank he fell down, groaning in pain.
  • Throw the Dog a Bone: Hearing about Yamcha's suicide from Trunks, Goku later telling him "You're my friend" is all it takes to save him from the impact of what's to come. It especially helps considering he suffers the Butt-Monkey hijinks with Krillin, if not more so, while he was dead last season.
  • Tranquil Fury: Gohan doesn't react well to Goku announcing training after nearly two years off to space. When Goku seems totally oblivious to his annoyance, Gohan just takes a breath and accepts.

Bulma: Wait a second...
Vegeta: What?
Bulma: Where's your condom?
Vegeta: The fuck's a condom?
