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Recap / Dimension X 37 Pebble In The Sky

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The civilization of the galaxy spread across two hundred million worlds and the black void of space swarmed with the ships of the empire. But far off the trade routes, almost forgotten, lay the dying planet earth. A backwater in galactic culture, a place of exile, a pebble in the sky.
—Opening Narration

First aired on 17 June 1951 and adapted from Isaac Asimov's Pebble in the Sky. This episode was adapted for radio by Ernest Kinoy and directed by Edward King. Norman Rose is the Narrator, describing the premise of the story. The rest of the cast includes Santos Ortega, Susan Douglas, Edwin Jerome, and Leon Janney.

Bel Arvardan (voiced by Ortega) is the main character, who narrates events for the audience as he speaks to the Procurator and the people of Earth. He meets Pola (voiced by Douglas) while she searches for her father in a mall. Dr Arvardan helps her get free and they go to see her father. This unexpectedly draws him into an ongoing web of intrigue, as Earth-born terrorists prepare a biological weapon against the Galactic Empire and he falls in love with the woman he met only a few days ago.

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