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Recap / Deus Ex Universe: Children's Crusade

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Deus Ex Universe: Children's Crusade

It has been two years since the "Aug Incident" which caused augmented individuals worldwide to go berserk, and anti-aug sentiment is at an all-time high.

Outside the city of Prague, a pair of Picus Television staffers set up cameras and begin recording a VTOL flying past them. One of the staffers notes that a source tipped them off about an Interpol raid that would be going on at a nearby warehouse.

Onboard the aircraft, Task Force 29 commander Jim Miller is giving a briefing to his team, which includes... Adam Jensen, who somehow survived the destruction of Panchaea. In a voiceover, Jensen explains that he's new to the team and that his first mission is to help the group stop pro-augmentation radicals who have kidnapped a number of children and are holding them hostage in a warehouse.

Miller continues with his briefing and says that the children's parents are government officials, and Task Force 29 is treating the matter with the utmost priority. As they talk, they realize that Picus is reporting their activities and worry about whether this will compromise the operation. Miller orders the mission to go ahead as planned and orders the pilot, Elias Chikane, to land immediately.

Adam stays outside to monitor surveillance feeds while the rest of the team, led by a man named MacReady, bust down the front door to the warehouse and open fire on the extremists. Adam explains in voiceover that the team holds some resentment towards him for being an aug, but he is playing nice with them for the time being.

The situation deteriorates in the warehouse, and Adam rushes inside to help despite Miller telling him not to. Inside, he finds a tall extremist laying down suppressive fire. Upon seeing Adam and briefly exchanging fire, the man breaks off and flees with a speed aug. Adam is unable to give chase and goes back to the group, who have killed the rest of the extremists. MacReady threatens to kick him off the team, but Jensen counters that they're only alive because of his intervention.

The team finds the missing children and ferries them from the warehouse. Afterwards, Adam asks Chikane and Miller if they saw anyone fleeing from the building, but they both say they didn't see any movement. He then sees the same individual come out of a hiding place and run through an alleyway. When Adam gives chase, he's stalled by the other Picus staffer, a reporter named Titus King, who asks for an interview. Adam is annoyed and very nearly resorts to a rant after King brings up a loaded question about his loyalties being divided because of his augmentations. At that moment, another TF29 team member, Niemi, appears and gets King off his back by threatening to beat him up if he doesn't quit his questioning. They both leave as King curses at them.

Back inside, MacReady and Adam exchange more insults towards each other. The team is interrupted by King's news report — he is intentionally riling up viewers by claiming that the Task Force are evil and prejudiced against augments. The kids file onto the VTOL as King continues to rant, while inside, several team members find a locked door with a keypad. MacReady offers to Shoot Out the Lock, but Adam hacks it instead.

The team finds a pair of scared children and another augment who leaps down to the ground floor of the warehouse. Adam gives chase again, and the man stops and stares at him. He asks Adam why he's fighting on the same side as non-augments, but his comment is cut short when MacReady shoots him in the chest. The downed augment, Bruno, is revealed to be wearing body armor, and the group wakes him up and interrogates him. Bruno reveals that he was keeping one of the other two kids separate from the group for a reason, then speaks a killphrase that causes the child's eyes to glow bright red. Realizing that Bruno has activated a killswitch, the entire team flees as the warehouse explodes.

Everyone collects themselves afterwards and realize that Marek was outfitted with a killswitch. They also realize that Niemi died in the explosion. The last female hostage, Helena, is taken back to the TF29 headquarters, while Adam and King get into another argument outside. Miller learns from their intel that their next stop is a place called the Glasshutte, which is where the fleeing augment who escaped Adam earlier has been spotted at. Adam gets a call from Alexandra Vega but doesn't answer it, saying that the needs of the Juggernaut Collective will have to wait.

The VTOL heads to the city of Dresden, which houses the Glasshutte. Once there, Miller deals with an Obstructive Bureaucrat named Lt. Fallada who attempts to stonewall the team because of Adam's presence in it, but Miller refuses to yield to his demands. Fallada tells the group that they won't be able to enter the Glasshutte without his express authorization.

Outside, Miller authorizes Adam to undertake a solo mission into the Glasshutte in order to investigate and find out if Helena's daughter (who was kidnapped and used for leverage against her) is inside. Adam reasons that Miller's usage of him makes it so that he'll have Plausible Deniability if the operation goes south. He heads out and calls Alex, who gives him a map of the facility and offers to act as Mission Control. He makes his way inside and finds the same escaped terrorist from the warehouse, who identifies himself as "Sebastian". Adam also discovers that Fallada has tipped off Interpol to the terrorists inside, and they're outside the front door.

Adam uses a device, the Glass Shield, to move silently past a group of terrorists, then takes Sebastian hostage. Sebastian calls him out for being a traitor to his kind, while also yelling for his men to go kill Helena's daughter. He knocks out Sebastian and calls Miller to raid the place immediately, then chases the man who was sent to kill the girl. Adam intercepts him and angrily slices him through the neck with his armblades. He rescues the girl and reports to Miller that she's safe.

Afterwards, Miller expresses interest in how Adam got into the building so quickly, but the latter gives an excuse before heading off to the team briefing. Miller reports that Sebastian escaped during the raid, and that anti-aug sentiment is only growing worse by the day. He orders Adam to investigate the daughter, Emilia, and find out what she knows.

In the interrogation room, Emilia says she doesn't know what's going on, all while a broadcast from King stoking the anti-aug sentiment plays on TV. Adam goes outside and gets another call from Alex, who tells him that there's a mole on the Task Force. Miller orders him to move Helena and Emilia to a safehouse, but shows him that DNA samples from the warehouse came back with some of King's DNA on it. Adam insists he didn't touch King during their conversation, and reasons that one of King's relatives was present in the warehouse and may be augmented. Miller orders him to continue conducting his investigation by-the-book before he leaves.

In the car, Helena is overjoyed to see her daughter, but the moment is cut short when a rifle round is fired into the vehicle, killing Helena instantly. Alex radios Adam and tells him to get out of the car just before a hidden bomb explodes in the vehicle and flips it over. Adam is thrown from the wreckage, and Sebastian and his men reveal themselves. Sebastian tells them not to kill Adam, and they take Emilia instead before driving away. Adam gets back up soon after and tells Alex that the men took Emilia and he's going to stop them for good.

TF29 arrives soon after, and MacReady asks if he's alright. Adam replies in the affirmative, and MacReady says that he feels that things are going to get worse very soon. Miller tells Adam to go home and get some rest while the rest of the team continues to investigate.

Adam arrives at his Prague apartment and immediately pours a glass of brandy. Alex calls to tell him that she thinks someone in TF29 rigged the bomb that destroyed the car. He tells her that he's ruled several team members out, and that he wants to investigate King's link to the warehouse. Alex forwards him a list of codes to King's studio in Dresden and tells him to act fast while King is on location shooting.

Meanwhile, Sebastian gathers a group of kids and plays on their fear of the government to organize them into a ragtag child army. He tells them that the time has come to strike back...

As Adam makes his way towards King's studio, he reasons that the latter is connected to both the Illuminati and Sebastian's terrorist group. All the while, King continues to stoke the fires by claiming that a war is coming. At the same time, Sebastian and the child soldiers break into a nearby munitions depot and steal a cache of assault rifles.

Adam gets into the studio and accesses a private server, where he discovers that Sebastian is Titus King's son. Adam realizes that Sebastian killed his own mother during the Aug Incident, which caused his father to develop a hatred for augments and spurred his need to fan the flames of anti-aug sentiment on television.

While Adam downloads the information and scrubs the servers, Sebastian's group attacks King while he's live to broadcast, and kill his guards before taking him hostage. Alex meets Adam on the roof of the studio in a helicopter, while Miller radios in to tell him to get ready to mobilize because of what's just happened with King. Miller also sends Adam an image of Emilia taking part in the attack and shooting bystanders in a rage.

Adam arrives at the team's location, and Miller tells him that Sebastian is threatening to execute King unless his demands are met. Adam tries to argue that the kids should be kept out of the line of fire, but Miller says that they're child soldiers and that there will likely be a body count. Alex radios to inform Adam that the terrorists have set up a stage and the Collective has learned that Sebastian is going to blow himself and his father up. While Sebastian goes on a Motive Rant about how much he hates his father, Alex tells Adam that he can disable Sebastian's bombs if he can interface with the latter's augmentations.

Miller gives Adam authorization to attempt a solo infiltration to stop Sebastian and rescue King, and tells him he has three minutes.

Adam walks into the middle of the glassworks where Sebastian and his followers are and surrenders himself. Alex hacks into Sebastian's cameras and disables them, then gives Adam the code to disable the detonator. Just when it seems as though Adam will be able to make a move, someone orders the team's sniper, Vasquez, to shoot Sebastian.

A round goes through Sebastian's head and TF29 moves in. Gunfire erupts while Adam pulls Emilia out of the way and the rest of the child soldiers surrender. Miller congratulates Adam on the mission success, but the latter is regretful about not being able to save Sebastian. In the aftermath, Emilia rails at Adam for not doing more to protect augments before she's hauled off in a police van. Miller also confronts Vasquez, as he has not given the order to shoot, who is confused as he has been given the order on Comms. Annoyed, Miller lets it go - just like the bombed Interpol car, this seems to have come from elsewhere.

Some time later, an anti-aug businessman named Pavel Mikulski meets with unseen members of the Illuminati. They express satisfaction with the events of the last few days, and make plans to announce an initiative called the "Human Restoration Act" in the next few days, while Adam stands over Sebastian's corpse and mulls over his future...
