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Recap / Degrassi High

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Here you will find recap pages for each episode of Degrassi High.

See here for Degrassi Junior High.

Season 1

  1. A New Start (parts one and two): Erica finds out she is pregnant after a summer fling with a camp counselor, and decides to abort.
  2. Breaking Up Is Hard To Do: Michelle's parents are divorcing. Meanwhile, Joey is still trying to make the Zits music video happen.
  3. Dream On: Arthur has a crush on Caitlin. Meanwhile, Kathleen and Melanie have to put up with older students blocking their lockers.
  4. Everybody Wants Something: The Zits finally shoot their music video; however, Caitlin dumps Joey, dampening his enthusiasm. Meanwhile, Erica finds out who has been harassing her over her abortion.
  5. Nobody's Perfect: Scott, Kathleen's new boyfriend, is violently abusive. Meanwhile, Spike meets an Irish student named Patrick.
  6. Just Friends: Heather likes Wheels, but he isn't into it as much as she is. Meanwhile, LD learns she has leukemia, and Melanie, Kathleen, and Diana go see a movie without any regard for the wheelchair-bound Maya.
  7. Little White Lies: Diana is sick of being told what to do by her strict Greek brother. Meanwhile, Joey, Snake and Wheels try and get into a strip club.
  8. Sixteen (parts one and two): Michelle has enough of her dad's racist treatment of BLT and moves out. Meanwhile, Spike is avoiding Patrick, and LD's friends rally behind her while she is still ill.
  9. All In A Good Cause: Caitlin and her new boyfriend Claude protest against nuclear weapons. Meanwhile, the grade nine students are raising money for UNICEF, and Arthur and Yick, who have spent most of the year increasingly estranged, work together to beat the other class.
  10. Natural Attraction: Heather is still haunted by Erica's abortion, and reacts poorly when Erica starts dating again. Meanwhile, Alpha Bitch duo Amy and Allison fight over Snake.
  11. Testing 1, 2, 3...: Joey learns he has dysgraphia, a learning disability that affects writing. Caitlin is angry at Claude, who left her behind when caught by police spray-painting the nuke factory. When they both lash out in separate incidents, they end up in detention and face each other. Meanwhile, the grade nines get their hand on the results to a science test.
  12. It Creeps!: Lucy makes a feminist horror film in the school. Meanwhile, a mentally impaired Shane returns to Degrassi, and Spike faces him.
  13. Stressed Out: Michelle starts taking caffeine pills to stay alert for studies. Meanwhile, Ms. Avery is leaving, but Caitlin thinks she is being kicked out and tries to protest it.

Season 2

  1. Bad Blood (parts one and two): Dwayne learns he has HIV from the girl he had sex with over the summer. Meanwhile, BLT breaks up with Michelle, who later learns he was cheating on her.
  2. Loyalties: BLT and Michelle's breakup has Alexa torn on her loyalties. Meanwhile, Snake likes Michelle, and Caitlin finds out her father is having an affair.
  3. A Tangled Web: Wheels' lies to his grandmother come to a head when he pretends he is going out to study, but in actuality he is going to a concert with Joey and Snake. On the way, Joey's car breaks down in the middle of nowhere, causing Wheels to come home much later than promised. His grandmother has enough of his lies, and kicks him out. Joey, who is angry at him, reluctantly allows to take him in.
  4. Body Politics: The girl's volleyball team is angry that the boy's basketball team gets preferential treatment. Lucy, who is part of the volleyball team, is invited to the dance by a guy named Dale. However, she realizes he is the captain of the boy's basketball team. Meanwhile, Spike has broken up with Patrick, who starts dating Liz, much to Spike's chagrin.
  5. Crossed Wires: Liz has repressed memories of her childhood sexual abuse. She goes out with Tim, but when he kisses her good night, it triggers a traumatic response in her, and he is left wondering what he did wrong. Meanwhile, Alex isn't sure whether Tessa wants him to kiss her, and Dwayne helps fix Joey's car.
  6. The All Nighter: The girls have a sleepover for Diana's birthday, and the boys have a sleepover of their own. Meanwhile, Alex hasn't gotten his essay done, and decides to pull an all-nighter.
  7. Home Sweet Home: Wheels steals money from Joey's mom's purse, and having had enough of Wheels' attitude, Joey kicks him out, and his grandmother refuses to take him back because of his insincere promise to follow the rules, leaving Wheels in the middle of a rainstorm at night. Snake, who is equally fed up with him, reluctantly lets him sleep on the porch for the night.
  8. ExtracurricularActivities: The rock band the Savages are shooting a music video at Degrassi, and after Lucy finds out, she, Erica, Heather, Joey, and Snake sneak into the school to see the band.
  9. Showtime (parts one and two): The Degrassi High talent show is coming up, but Claude commits suicide, sending shockwaves throughout the school.
  10. Three's A Crowd: Spike has a crush on Snake and nervously asks him to the dance. However, Michelle has also asked him to go to the dance, and Snake likes Michelle more. Meanwhile, Yick and Alex fight over Tessa.
  11. One Last Dance: Degrassi High is shutting down for maintenance, but not before one last dance. Meanwhile, there are rumours that a student has AIDS, and Dwayne fears he might be outed.
