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Recap / Criminal Case Supernatural Investigations Case 16 This American Death

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This isn't even the worst of the guy on the right...

The hunters arrive in Parkford, Minnesota to start looking for witches in order to get the spell needed to shield their minds from being read by demons. However, before they can get started, they stumble upon the body of insurance claims adjuster Dan Kelly in his driveway, who has been struck on the head and had his leg run over by a car.


  • A Day in the Limelight: George analyzes the ashes you find in a brick after the murder has been solved. Thankfully the remains don't contain Kevin.
  • All of the Other Reindeer: Heather Night is quite an outcast, and the poor girl was bullied by Dan for simply being Wiccan and into casting a protection spell for him under the threat he'd tell the whole town she's a witch.
  • Artificial Human: It turns out Alice was actually a golem Dan created to be the "perfect wife" for him after he killed the original Alice. When she found out who she really was, she killed him.
  • Asshole Victim: Dan Kelly was a real nasty piece of work to say the least.
  • Hate Sink: Dan Kelly was a tyrant to his wife, blackmailed Heather Night to get her to protect his house, smashed a cherished award of his neighbor Florence Brucker over being disqualified from a contest, freaked out that Stan Jensen brought a female pastor to the church, and tried to get Moose Nylund arrested for insurance fraud out of spite and yelled at his kitten. That's what we learn before the player finds out Dan murdered his actual wife and replaced her with a golem to have something more obedient to him. Yeah, it's easy to be glad that the piece of shit is dead.
  • Karmic Death: Dan Kelly mistreated and murdered his original wife, and with the help of a witch created a golem in her image... The golem found out what she was when she found photos of events she didn't remember and was threatened by Dan that he'd kill her too... She smashes his brains in.
  • Kill and Replace: Basically what happened to poor Alice; her husband, the victim murdered her and replaced her with a golem... That golem later kills him when he threatens to kill her.
  • Missing Child: Dan and Alice (Obviously the original, not the golem)'s son Kevin had been missing for a while, while the Hunters and George fear that his dad killed him too, we come to find out that he surprisingly had nothing to do with the disappearance.
  • Nosy Neighbor: Florence. She even tries to sic the cops on the Supernatural Hunters because she never seen them around before, thankfully they trick said police into thinking they're FBI agents to get them to leave them alone.
  • Perky Goth: Heather's rather friendly to the Hunters, even getting the townsfolk to leave Gwen alone when they somehow thought she's a witch.
  • Real Men Wear Pink: Moose, who looks a bit like a brute turns out to be a veterinarian with a sweet little kitten, and he's quite a nice guy.
  • Shovel Strike: Dan was murdered by having his brains smashed in with a shovel.
  • The Dog Bites Back: And how so! Alice, who is actually a golem of the original Alice who Dan murdered and treated as badly as the real deal, she finally had enough once she learned her origins and smashed his brains in.
  • The Three Trials: Agnes agrees to give the spell to the hunters as long as they pass three tasks given to them by a compass.
  • Who Murdered the Asshole: It really does seem like everyone in Parkford had a good reason to kill Dan, or at the very least hated his guts.
  • Would Hurt a Child: Thankfully and surprisingly not the case, as we later find out. Dan didn't seem to do anything to his son Kevin like he did with Alice, a monster took the boy.
