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Recap / Criminal Case: Pacific Bay - Case 31: The Young and the Lifeless

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Chief Marquez: Oh please, Frank. It's sunshine everyday in Ivywood! It's where all your dreams come true! There are movie sets galore with new films being made daily... <Player's Name>, you might even run into celebrities!

After arriving to Ivywood Hills, Chief Marquez sends Frank and the player on patrol so they can adapt to the new environment. There, they find the corpse of young actress Felicia Steppingstone tied to the famous Ivywood sign and with slash wounds all over her body.


  • Adam Westing: Gary Silver tells you he's planning on making a series called Criminal Space, which is about investigators solving murders IN SPACE. He even asks you to sell him the rights of your cases during the Additional Investigation.
  • Alliterative Name: The Columnist, Holly Hopper, and Abbi Absinthe.
  • Beleaguered Assistant: Tucker Smalls, the victim's assistant, was being exploited by her with promises that she would introduce him to agents so he could become an actor, though they were just empty promises.
  • Celebrity Resemblance: Holly tells Amy she looks exactly like Felicia, hence why she tries to photograph her for her new article.
  • Chekhov's Gun: If you pay attention, you can notice that various of your suspects are wearing a golden triangle badge with no relation to their killer's profile, which you could brush off as just being a Red Herring or an unimportant design choice. Come Case 33, and you learn that this badge has a lot more importance than it shows.
  • Continuity Nod: While talking about Criminal Space with Gary, Frank mentions how one of the victims was killed by a shark, which would be pretty difficult to make it occur in space.
  • Convicted by Public Opinion: According to Russell, everyone has started to give him the side-eye ever since he was a suspect in the previous case, which makes him partner with you in the Additional Investigation just so he can prove his worth.
  • Cuteness Proximity: Judge Dante allows the killer's dog to be in court because he thinks it's adorable.
  • Dead Guy on Display: After he murdered her, Tucker tied her to the Ivywood sign to show the city the monster she was (in his words).
  • Glasgow Smile: The victim is found with one of these, courtesy of the shaving razors used to kill her.
  • Hard-Drinking Party Girl: Felicia had turned into this due to becoming famous, which infuriated her agent since she was starting to miss auditions and give him bad rep.
  • Hilarity Sues: Russell almost gets sued by Abbi after he wrongfully arrests her.
  • Intrepid Reporter: Holly Hopper, a gossip columnist who is always looking for a story in Ivywood. She even helps you solving the murder with her knowledge about the victim's personal life.
    Holly: I'm someone who knows a good story when she sees one. Ivywood is a jungle, everyone clawing to get on top. The only way to survive is to come up with the next big thing!
  • Like Is, Like, a Comma: Abbi Absinthe, the victim's ex-best friend, speaks like this, which goes with her being a Valley Girl.
    Abbi: What? Felicia's dead? No freaking way. That's like, totally not cool.
  • Miscarriage of Justice: During the Additional Investigation, Russell wrongfully arrests Abbi after he concludes she's the one who stole some movies from a theater, which leads to her almost suing him and Chief Marquez threatening to fire him if he messes up again.
  • Mock Hollywood Sign: The Ivywood Sign, where the victim is found.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: In contrast to his usual smug and cocky attitude, Russell seems nervous and more serious about coming back to Ivywood, even attempting to conduct a thief investigation by himself. And surprisingly, he accepts he messed up after he makes the wrong conclusion and almost gets fired for it.
    Russell: Well... I can't say I didn't deserve this. I should have guessed coming back to Ivywood would only bring me trouble...
  • Rejected Marriage Proposal: Felicia rejected Reggie's marriage proposal and broke up with him on camera, which became viral on the Internet.
  • The Scapegoat: Tucker killed Felicia both because she was overworking him and because he was arrested for drug possession when Felicia ordered him to bring her cocaine, which put a permanent stain on his record.
  • Shout-Out:
  • Third-Person Person: Reggie speaks like this.
    Reggie: Can you believe the nerve of that girl, turning down DJ Reggie P? He be the king of the beats!
    Frank: Can you stop calling yourself by the third person... it's confusing me.
  • We Used to Be Friends: Felicia and Abbi used to be best friends until the former got a movie role that Abbi was desperately trying to acquire.
