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Recap / Criminal Case: Mysteries of the Past - Grim Chapel District

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Where souls go to get lost.

Grim Chapel is the eight district investigated in Criminal Case: Mysteries of the Past.

A rustic, forest-surrounded district with a creepy and unnatural ambiance, Grim Chapel is a barely developed portion of Concordia characterized for its occultism and supernatural-based folklore, decaying buildings, and its local mental asylum, Gryphon Sanctuary, which is rumored to be hiding a dark secret behind its walls.

While the Flying Squad first arrives to Grim Chapel to take care of "The Devil", a consultant living in the district and helping the Rochester family get away with murders by disguising them as supernatural occurrences, the plot undergoes a Halfway Plot Switch after said consultant's arrest to instead focusing on investigating Gryphon Sanctuary, a mysterious mental asylum where sane and healthy people are rumored to be Wrongfully Committed by an anonymous employee for a price.

    Cases Set in Grim Chapel 
  1. The Witching Hour: A local healer is tied up and drowned in a pond after being accused of witchery.
  2. Graveyard Shift: A poet has his blood sucked out like a vampire attack at a cemetery.
  3. Doctor, Interrupted: A doctor is electrocuted to death with his own electroshock machine at the local asylum.
  4. Turn for the Worse: A knife thrower is stabbed with her own knives at the travelling circus.
  5. Doom Service: An admiral is frightened to death in his own hotel room.
  6. Unsafe Haven: An mental hospital patient is shot in the head inside of the asylum's basement.

