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Recap / Craig Of The Creek S2E21 "Tea Timer's Ball"

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Written & storyboarded by Dashawn Mahone & Najja Porter

The Tea Timers throw a dance and invite everyone in the creek. Craig believes it's solely to prank him, while Kelsey deals with an unwanted admirer.


  • All Love Is Unrequited: Aaron has a crush on Kelsey, who doesn't feel the same way.
  • Everybody Has Standards: As it turns out, Eliza doesn't hold a grudge against Craig for spoiling her tea party, and inviting him to her party was a genuine gesture. However, the purpose of the party was to keep out Sailor Boy as revenge for not inviting her onto his parents' yacht. So she's petty, just not that petty.
  • Eye Am Watching You: As part of his paranoia, Craig does this to George upon entering the Ball.
    Craig: I've got my eyes on you.
  • A Good, Old-Fashioned Paint Watching: Kelsey imagines being old and married to Aaron watching paint dry. He is excited about it, while Kelsey just wants to die.
  • Innocently Insensitive: Aaron didn't realize how uncomfortable he made Kelsey when he asked her to the dance and apologizes for the stress he put on her.
  • It's All About Me: Craig is convinced that the Tea Timer's Ball is a plot against him, despite there being no evidence that he’s the one being targeted.
  • "Pop!" Goes the Human: In both of Kelsey's Imagine Spots, either Aaron or her rise up in the air and pop like a balloon.
  • Right for the Wrong Reasons: Craig was right about the Tea Timers' Ball being a plan of vengeance, but he was wrong that it was against him.
  • Sadistic Choice: Kelsey is faced with two undesirable choices. She could reject Aaron and end up hurting his feelings, or she could accept him with the possible outcome of a boring wedded life with him.
  • String Theory: Craig busts out one of these while attempting to explain Eliza's supposed revenge scheme against him.
  • Throat-Slitting Gesture: Jason does this towards Craig, while J.P. is reassuring Craig that he still has enemies.
  • Yearning for a Nemesis: While everyone else is having romantic entanglements surrounding the Ball, Craig is paranoid it's all a plot to get revenge on him. When it turns out Eliza wasn't planning revenge on him (the party itself was for revenge on someone else entirely), he feels rejected. J.P. reassures him he has plenty of enemies in the Creek who are all probably plotting to destroy him, like Big Red, Turner and Jason.
