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Recap / Calvin And Hobbes The Series S 4 E 2 Camping Trip Part 2

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Continued from Part 1

The opening scene of Part Two takes place about fifty-six years later.

Calvin and Hobbes have grown long grey beards and are staring morosely out at civilization on the other side of the lake. They've been trying to catch fish, but so far, all they've caught for the past five and a half decades is garbage and old tires. They then hear the Creatures approaching, so they make for the trees, only to be attacked by Calvin's Parents, who have both gone insane and try to kill them while ranting about building character.

Calvin wakes up screaming.

The next morning, Dad tries to talk Calvin into going fishing. He tries to teach Calvin how to cast his line, using a very fancy technique, but his son ends up accidentally throwing his rod into the lake.

That afternoon, the family sits down to dinner, but all they have is spam to eat. Calvin finds it disgusting and goes back into the woods to find Hobbes. His frustrations turn to fear when he realizes he is being watched, and he's not sure who by out here. Hobbes suddenly appears and pounces him, and they roll around fighting in the bushes. They chase each other around until Hobbes escapes up a tree. Calvin is forced to recite a poem praising tigers, but Hobbes still won't let him up. Calvin manages to climb up himself, but Hobbes just leaps to another tree. Calvin tries to jump after him, but he misses and almost falls, but Hobbes rescues him with one claw. Exhausted, they take a few moments to watch the sunset.

They return to the campsite to find Dad still trying in vain to catch a fish while Mom is sick from eating spam. They retire to the tent for the night and review the food situation. It's not good.

During the night, Hobbes has some rather disturbing dreams that cause him to growl and swipe his claws in his sleep. Calvin is forced to sleep outside in the sand for his own safety.

The next morning, Dad tries to fish again, but he ends up falling asleep from boredom before everyone else gets up. Calvin spies the canoe floating around them again, still at a great distant, but then he gets an idea. He finds the owner's manual for the fishing rod that states there is a quarter of a mile of fishing line in it. Taking the rod from Dad, he and Hobbes climb a tree, and following Dad's casting instructions, they manage to cast the hook all the way to the canoe, catching it, and they start reeling it back towards them. Unfortunately, it gets caught on a rock.

But Calvin manages to keep going. He finds a large piece of tree bark and paddles out on it like on a surfboard, using the stick he and Hobbes had been so impressed with a few days ago. It takes him a long time, but he manages to paddle all the way to the canoe. He manages to free it from the rock and climbs inside so that his parents can reel him and it in. His mom is thrilled, and it is decided that they will go home, despite Dad's protests that they haven't stayed the full week yet.

They make it back to the parking lot, but Mom insists on driving. She takes them all to a restaurant where she, Calvin and Hobbes gorge themselves on rich and delicious food, forcing Dad to pay for it for their troubles.

