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Recap / Big Finish Doctor Who Specials Return Of The Daleks

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A special release, part of the Dalek Empire story arc. The story takes place over several years and offers a different perspective on the events in Dalek Empire. Chronologically takes place between the second and third episodes of Dalek Empire's first series.

The Seventh Doctor arrives on a planet called Zaleria, where Susan Mendes, the Angel Of Mercy, has been working for the Daleks in order to secure a peaceful invasion. The people of Zaleria are hungry for a rebellion. The Doctor tries to get through to a young Kalendorf, but realises that he can't interfere with events just yet — after all, Kalendorf (a Knight of Velyshaa) needs to survive and go on to do other important things. But eventually, the Doctor realises that the Daleks pose too much of a threat, and chooses to interfere — revealing that the planet houses tens of thousands of frozen Daleks underneath its layers of ice.

It's soon revealed that the planet wasn't originally called Zaleria: it was Spiridon all along. Many centuries ago, the first wave of invading Daleks tried to copy the population's inherent invisibility. But the Daleks succumbed to light wave sickness due to their experiments, and the population lost their own invisibility in the process. The Doctor offers himself up to the Daleks in return for the planet's safety, and ends up spending many years working to find a way to make them invisible without negative effects. Of course, he instead spends those years increasing the sickness, and restoring the population's inherent abilities. By the time he's done, the rebellion (as detailed in Dalek Empire) is strong enough to organise an uprising. The Doctor retreats to his TARDIS, fully expecting to die permanently, but she heals him just in time.

