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Recap / Big Finish Doctor Who 090 Year Of The Pig

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Some time after returning their friend Herbert to his own time, the Sixth Doctor and Peri take a holiday in Ostend, Belgium. It's The Edwardian Era, and Six plans to spend a few weeks reading Marcel Proust's À la recherche du temps perdu. (Peri's already read it, and wasn't impressed.) They end up saving the life of a moustachio'd police inspector named Chardalot, who's on the trail of a murder... that hasn't been committed yet.

At dinner with Chardalot, the Doctor and Peri get to know an old lady named Miss Bultitude, who's also searching for someone at the hotel. The person in question turns out to be a sapient pig named Toby. Since the death of Vaudeville, Toby's been living off his earnings together with his dedicated nurse, Albertine. He's not in the mood to face a Loony Fan like Miss Bultitude, but comes to trust her and the Doctor when he realises they're not there to hunt him down. Toby claims to be a perfectly ordinary pig who simply learned to walk and talk from his equally porcine parents. (They were from Essex. People didn't really notice.) The Doctor notices a few holes in that story, particularly when Chardalot almost murders Peri and a whole bunch of dead cows suddenly appear on the beach. Also, the TARDIS is kidnapped.

On the trail of Chardalot, the Doctor realises that the man has temporal teleportation equipment (which caused — or will cause — the cows, a side-effect of team TARDIS successfully re-ridecting a temporal bomb). Chardalot claims that he's Toby's "father". Or, rather, the man who created him, for a science conference on the planet Guermantes. The Doctor wearily explains that Chardalot is as much a science experiment as Toby is, and that they were both created by an unknown alien force, and that Guermantes is just the name of a family in À la recherche du temps perdu that the main character longs to be a part of. Once the confusion has been sorted out, Chardalot and Toby get along quite well, and decide to lodge at Miss Bultitude's home.

If you're looking for information on pigs in the Chinese Zodiac, you'll find them on this page.

