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Recap / Avengers Assemble S 3 E 15 A Friend In Need

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Thor takes Vision to Asgard to teach him about how battles can forge friendships. Unfortunately, Ultron has tagged along and gains access to various Asgardian technology, including the unstoppable Destroyer Armor.


  • Adaptational Nonsapience: In the comics, Cobalt Man is a guy in a suit of armor like Iron Man's (just slightly more dangerous to everyone around it, what with the cobalt). Here, it's a rogue drone.
  • Body Surf: Ultron's just surfing around, going through Cobalt Man, Vision, all the weapons in Asgard's vault, and finally the Destroyer.
  • Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: Ultron is baffled by the idea the Avengers would let him get the tech he's after rather than let Vision be killed.
  • Fire-Forged Friendship: Thor's philosophy is a good punch-up makes the best friends, even citing examples from his own history as proof.
  • Foreshadowing:
    • Vision assures everyone he's fine after fighting Cobalt Man, since Ultron didn't hijack him, and Tony scans him just to be sure. But it turns out to be a prescient concern.
    • Ultron's ability to convincingly disguise himself as someone else comes back in a big way later on in the season.
  • I Just Want to Have Friends: Vision's plot is figuring out how this whole "friendship" thing works.
  • Inexplicably Awesome: Somehow, Loki is able to tell that it's not Vision he's talking to at a moment's glance. In fairness, he is the god of lies. If anyone can spot a liar...
  • Magitek: Running with the MCU's depiction of Asgardian stuff as just hyper-advanced tech, here Ultron can hack it.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: Vision and then the Destroyer both have their eyes glow red when Ultron takes over.
  • Tempting Fate: Vision overrides the Destroyer armor and dumps Ultron in the bottom of the ocean, declaring he'll never be able to escape. Cut to Ultron escaping via a nearby undersea cable.
  • Voices Are Mental: Ultron pretending to be Vision uses Vision's voice, but when he reveals himself fully switches to Ultron's voice.
