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Recap / Animator vs. Animation – AvM Shorts, Episode 2: The Building Contest

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Uploaded Dec 18, 2017


The stick figures organize a building contest, with The Second Coming as the referee. They have to build an excavator. Green ends up winning, but Blue and Yellow use TNT to blow up his building out of envy.


  • Foregone Conclusion: Green built a windmill as soon as he knew the Minecraft "inventory block" was a thing. Of course, he won the titular contest.
  • Pun: When it comes time to judge the creations, the others ask Red why there's a cat sitting on his. It's because the excavator they used for a reference has the label of "CAT" on the arm.
  • Sore Loser: Blue and Yellow decide to blow up Green's creation because he won.
  • Suddenly Voiced: The Second Coming apparently snores and can whistle.
