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Recap / Animator vs. Animation – AvM Shorts, Episode 17: Build Battle

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Uploaded Apr 11, 2020


The Second Coming organizes another Build Battle, this time asking to build a tractor, but Green wins again. The rest of the Fighting Stick Figures try to blow up his building, but he deflects all the TNT. Tired of Green winning all the time, Yellow suggest The Second Coming to choose a robot as the next construction, thinking that he could win with his knowledge of redstone. However, Green was able to build a fully functioning robot without even using redstone. The next contest requires the stickmen to build a bear. Green starts doing so, but accidentally summons a wither who blows up his building and starts chasing him. TSC arrive to judge the buildings, and everyone decides not to notice the battle between Green and the wither. Blue ends up winning, though the wither blows up his building moments later.


  • Bystander Syndrome: Green is left to fight the wither on his own while the other stick figures carry on with the build battle.
  • Epic Fail: At the end of the video, Green accidentally summons the wither while building. His build is blown up, and when the others get to it while voting, it has been reduced to a flaming mess.
  • Funny Background Event: Green accidentally summons the wither while building. While SC is judging everyone's builds, Green is battling the Wither in the background.
  • Running Gag: Two:
    • The other stick figures throwing TNT at Green's build whenever he wins.
    • TSC trying and failing to stay awake while waiting for the timer to go down.
  • Selective Obliviousness: When Green gets attacked by the wither, no one pays him any mind. Heck, when part of Blue's build is damaged by an explosion, he just repairs it like nothing happened.
  • Slap Yourself Awake: TSC tries this. It fails.
  • Sleepyhead: TSC is this. Every time he waits for the timer to go down, he fails to keep himself awake, at least until the timer goes off.
  • Sore Loser: Everyone is so irritated with Green's win streak that they keep trying to blow up his builds.
  • Suddenly Voiced: Whenever SC falls asleep, he snores.
  • Unsportsmanlike Gloating: Upon winning the first round, Green does a Fortnite dance. In the second round, he goes full-on Large Ham when showing off his robot.
  • You Have GOT to Be Kidding Me!: In the second round, this is how Yellow reacts to Green's impossibly functional robot.
