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Recap / American Dad! S3E17 "I Can't Stan You"

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Stan learns that the neighbors can't stand him, leading him to take extreme measures. Meanwhile, Roger ropes Steve into a series of con games.


  • Behind the Black: Francine, Hayley, and Klaus try to figure out how to deal with Stan's growing insanity. Then Klaus notices Stan is standing just outside the kitchen door and has been listening to them.
  • Disintegrator Ray: Stan accidentally kills a fellow agent with what turns out to be a disintegrator.
    Stan: Oh, it's a disintegrator? I thought it was a penis enlarged. That almost went horribly wrong!
  • The Dog Bites Back: After Stan evicts the neighbors, Roger and Steve use one of the houses to scam a couple out of $100,000. Roger takes his half and goes to Mexico to buy a restaurant franchise, only to find that Steve stole his money.
  • Exact Words: Stan announces to Francine that the neighbors no longer hate him... because they are no longer their neighbors.
    Stan: In other words, there goes the neighborhood! Ordinarily that would have racist implications, but I've actually done something far worse.
  • For the Evulz: When Stan talks about... concerning things he did in his childhood, he ends each anecdote with "I don't know why I did it."
  • Hard Truth Aesop: You can't make everyone like you and even people who do will say mean things behind your back, but you shouldn't take it personally because they do it to others as well.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: Stan evicts anyone, including his own family, because he doesn't like them talking negatively about him. As a result, when he's choking on a peanut, there's no-one around to help him, compounded by his hopeless knocking on empty houses.
  • Magic Plastic Surgery: Steve suffers a number of horrific injuries, and gets restored by plastic surgery.
  • Shout-Out: Stan ultimately banishes the neighbors to the Cornfield Motel, a reference to the classic Twilight Zone episode "It's A Good Life" in which a boy with psychic powers banished people he didn't like to a cornfield.
  • Staged Pedestrian Accident: Roger gets Steve gruesomely injured in a number of schemes like getting hit by cars.
  • Stimulant Speedtalk: Bullock keeps for himself a magic machine that transforms water into cocaine. When the other CIA agents wonder where he's been since, we cut to a near-naked Avery in a broken-down hotel room filled with empty water jugs, rambling on to the junkie sitting on the bed.
    Bullock: Charlie. Charlie. Charlie. Charlie. Charlie. Listen to me. Charlie? CHARLIE! ... what was your name again?
  • Would Hurt a Child: Stan tries to drown Johnny in an attempt to save him and gain the neighbors' respect.
