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Radar / Biker Mice from Mars

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1993 series

  • From "The Reeking Reign of the Head Cheese":
    • Modo: "That makes me more than just mad. Now, I'm mad as—" [cut] Limburger: "Hello, fellow citizens of Chicago."
    • In the same two parter, Charlie wears a short pencil skirt to pose as Limburger's secretary. When Vinnie sees it he catcalls her and gives her a once-over look. When told it's a disguise, he then all but directly tells her to show him her ass.
      Vinnie: Diguise-schmise! I like it! Turna round and let me see the back!
  • In "We're Going to Cheesyland", a crab pinches Greaspit's butt. Greaspite responds by telling the crab not to get fresh.
  • In the three-part episode "Back to Mars", Charley is disgusted by the Sand Raider known as Slobber the Mutt for attempting Go-Go Enslavement on her.
  • "Once Upon a Time on Mars"
    • When Charley gets ready to make adjustments to Modo's arm cannon, Vinnie turns around and asks Charley if she is enjoying the view, clearly intent on having Charley take a look at his rear.
      • Vinnie does a similar comment in "Seeds of Victory": after Throttle ask Charlie and Carbine to watch the Biker Mice' rear, he adds:
        "You lucky you!"
    • After being informed that Stoker was brainwashed, Vinnie jokes that he always knew Stoker had a dirty mind.
  • In "Rock and Ride", Charley at one point remarks to Greasepit that he can tell Limburger to "shove it".
  • Apparently, when he first sees Greasepit in a suit and Limburger in an apron (which was because Camembert promoted the thug and demoted the Plutarkian) in "I, Greasepit", Vinnie thought it was some kind of roleplay fetish.
    Vinnie: Oh, those dirty devils…
  • "Where No Mouse Has Gone Before": after Limburger actually seems to have a chance to win the election for High Chairman, Lord Camembert flips him (disguised as him trimming his nail).
  • One of the reasons the Finnish dub is so well loved is because of all the crap it managed to get past the radar. In one particularly memorable instance, from the episode "Steal of the Century", Modo calls Limburger's newest investment (a ridiculously destructive fighter plane) a dildo of all things. Another notable moment comes after the Sand Raiders' boss's aforementioned attempt at Go-Go Enslavement; Charley up front calls him a "sex addict" after subduing him. Yet another example is in another episode when Lawrence and Karbunkle are escaping from the Biker Mice and Fred the Mutant is about to get left behind, yelling at them not to forget their "teeny tiny dickweed".
  • The Italian dub always translated Root beer as the regular, alcoholic kind. Same thing in the sequel.

2006 series

  • In the episode "Changes", when Stoker is asked by Ronaldo Rump if he forgot about their deal with the sunblock to prevent his rat transformations, Stoker tells Ronaldo Rump to "put it where the sunblock doesn't shine".
  • In "The Tender Mouse Trap", Cataclysm, Hairball, Vinnie, and Modo all make suggestive remarks around Catalina Cat-a-call (one example that stands out is Hairball referring to her as a "prime example of pussycat perfection") and Carbine says "Why, that two-timing son of a—" when she is convinced that Throttle is cheating on her.
  • In "Between Rump and a Hard Race", Charley says to Ronaldo Rump "You can take your apprentice program and-", but Rump interrupts her and tells her not to go there.
  • In "Biker Mice Down Under", Vinnie and Stoker switch clothes to fool the villains. When their ploy is revealed, Vinnie tells Stoker that he better not be going commando.
  • While it requires looking closely, when the Catatonian shape-shifters Catalina, Catamaranda, and Catabulous suffer Clothing Damage after their defeat at the hands of the Biker Mice in "New Cats in Town", Catabulous has a hole in the seat of her uniform's pants, and she apparently has no underwear.
  • In "A Hairy A-Bomb", while kvetching about the cold weather, Vinnie at one point remarks that he's freezing his "handlebars" off.
  • Another instance of a character almost swearing happens in "Bringing Up Vinnie".
    Ronaldo Rump: Somebody save my a— Just get me out of here!
