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Quotes / You Say Tomato

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"I still clearly remember the story our 6B teacher in P.S. 20, New York, told the class when she disgressed for a moment in a spelling session. It concerned an American and an Englishman arguing about the correct pronunciation of 'neither,' with the American insisting on 'neether,' the Englishman on 'nyther.' They called on a bystander to settle the dispute: Was it 'neether' or 'nyther'? 'Nayther!' said—who else—the Irishman."
Ira Gershwin, Lyrics on Several Occasions

"Who the f*** says 'po-tah-to'?"

"You say tomater, I zader matermorts."
Coach Z, Homestar Runner

Solvin: He's a wizard, he's not gonna dump hot oil on us. He'll, like, set off a fireball!
Tuatha: To-may-to, to-mah-to.
Solvin: No there's a big difference there!
Flint: You can't just say “to-may-to, to-mah-to” to everything!
Tuatha: To-may-to, to-mah-to.
The Fallen Gods episode 2 Dr. Robotnik - yes, I know we've officially switched to "Eggman" now, but the bloke who invented the GIF format still pronounces it "Jiff" and he's still fucking wrong!

Shadow: I promised Maria to get revenge.
Sonic: You're wrong, Shadow! That image playing over and over in your head like a GIF… it's not the truth!
Shadow: It's pronounced "jiff".
Sonic: Huh?
Shadow: "Dot-jiff". Like the peanut butter. The creator said so.
Sonic: That's dumb. It's "Graphics Interchange Format".
Shadow: The "P" in "JPEG" stands for "photographic". But I bet you don't say "J-pheg".
Sonic: "P" on its own isn't pronounced like "F"! That's totally different!
Shadow: It's exactly the same!
Sonic: Name one word that starts with "G" pronounced like "J"!
Shadow: Gentrification.
Sonic: Shoot, shoulda thought of that! I was just in San Fransisco!
Shadow: For your logic to be consistent, you'd have to say "scuh-ba"note , or "la-sear"note .
Sonic: Oh, yeah!? Well, you'd have to say "J-pej"! [Beat, music abruptly cuts out] Wait, "laser" is an acronym?
Shadow: "Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation."
Sonic: Huh. Didn't know that. [Beat] You're still wrong, though.
Shadow: [music resumes] You just hate me because I'm right.
Sonic: I just hate you in general.
Shadow: You mean "in geh-neral"?
Sonic: Ugh! I am jo-ing to kill you!

"Before you go too far, you'll be introduced to one of Golden Sun's most unique and significant mechanics: the Djinni.note  You'll find these Djinnnote  while traversing the game, each one corresponding to one of four elements. This first one, for example, is a Venus Djinni, so it's closely aligned with Isaac. By the way, for all the people who call them 'Jinn' and 'Jinni', I know you feel upset at me right now, but consider this: there are people watching who call them 'Duh-jinn'. Can we agree that that's the common enemy here?"
