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Space Dandy: he's a dandy guy in space.

"You know what no one has mashed up with Jane Austen yet? Nazis!"


Whenever you hear "It's like THING meets OTHER THING!"...what's being described is usually nothing like either thing.
Platypus Comix, "What Powell's Throws Out, Part Two"

In Honor of old Hallow's eve, it will be a horror film that gently blends Scream with Nightmare on Elm Street with just a PINCH of I Know What You Did Last Summer.
Martin, Cartoon Monsoon: Oh, Shoot!: Director's Cut

Pure Intellect Cave here. Not to brag, but while you were cat-assing that last test, I rewrote the collected works of... everything ever. If I gotta read this garbage for eternity, I might as well improve it. So next time you curl up with a time-honored classic and think to yourself "Man, I do not remember the Brothers Karamazov busting so many ghosts", you can thank yours truly.
Cave Johnson a.k.a CaveDOS, Portal 2

The way I see it, he goes into a room with a stuffy TV executive who doesn't know his arse from his elbow and goes into great detail about the backstory, the rich setting, how the entire cast is made up of good actors portraying likeable characters. Then he went on to explain the witty well written script and suddenly his best show ever is stuck in TV scheduling hell and cancelled before the paint on the set could dry. Whereas if he had gone in and simply said 'Cowboys and Prostitutes in space', we'd probably be watching the spin-off series where Jayne and Simon have to live together in a tiny space apartment without their space landlord Saffron finding out they're not actually space gay.

I'm Tony Stark with a James Bond sprinkle tossed in!

All of Amphibia makes sense when you consider growing up I would watch an episode of Pepper Ann and then immediately change the channel to DBZ.

"It's like Watership Down in that there are rabbits in it - but Watership Down meets District 9 would probably be closer - with some of The Court Jester and any Romcom you care to mention thrown in for good measure."

"(on the phone) It's perfect. Yes, it's the project you've been waiting for. Yeah, it's Joanie Loves Chachi meets The Sorrow and the Pity. It's Joanie loves Pity."
Lorne, Angel, "Conviction"


Our world is made of many things, most of which are completely fine on their own. But combine them with other concepts and they can easily turn into things of pure, primal horror: beer and base-jumping, kindergarten and meteorites, toothpaste and orange juice.

Mad Max on jet skis. Cool huh? Nah, not really.

Attractive ’90s punks struggling for water will be the driving force of the plot, such as it is, which led me to call this movie 'What If Dune starred the cast of Hackers?'
Chris Sims on Tank Girl

So, how does the actual game play? Imagine this: a sidescrolling action game, one that would involve precision platforming and the need for careful controls. All right, now imagine it uses more or less the exact same control setup as MK3. If you don't go run screaming from this article yet, you might be fit to play this. 'Might' being the key word here.

Tat Wood, in what may be the single most psychologically revealing moment in the whole of About Time, asks 'what other programme would give you a western in a swamp' as if this is some sort of mark of distinction or a reason to like this story, but for those of us who are not Tat Wood the fact remains that this is not a combination that really sells itself to us.

Wow this surprisingly just like Aikatsu! and Pretty Rhythm... but just a Korean version....
YY on Shining Star

RWBY - The result of Sailor Moon and Bloodborne having a drunk fling.

The guy might sound like Lil' Jon if he lived in the land of Ooo, but he acts like a cross between Tuco Salamanca and R. Kelly.
