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Quotes / What Would X Do?

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Heka: Are you certain? About the morally good, I mean. Fairies struggle with mortal morality.
Pandora: I am certain my husband would have thought so. That's good enough for me.

CWO Thurl: I've been asked 'What would Schlock do?' a lot this month.
Captain Tagon: I'm more worried about what won't Schlock do.

He was slightly perplexed by the forcefulness of his tone. It had echoes of a decisiveness that was usually quite alien to him. He supposed because he had to accept that there was no leader to follow now. He was no longer the shadow, the sidekick, the note-taker, the foil. No more rhetorical ‘What would Sherlock do?’ questions for Watson. It was a time for standing on his own two feet. And enjoying it, he added.
Dead Man's Land, a Doctor Watson thriller by Robert Ryan
