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Quotes / Visionary Villain

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Anime & Manga

"That's a loser's reasoning! A winner has to look at the world not as it is, but as it should be!"
Aizen, Bleach

"I k-killed them... two of them... It's a life...the consequences can't be light. Do I have the right to pass judgement upon others? But wait... it's not like that. This is what I've always thought. This world is rotten. Those who are rotten deserve to die. Someone... someone has to do it! Sacrificing their own life and soul, just because the world can't continue like this! If someone else had picked up this notebook, someone else could erase all the unnecessary people from this world... but is there someone who could do that? No, there isn't! But I can. In fact, I'm the only one who can do it! I'll do it. I'll use the Death Note... to change the world!"
Light Yagami, Death Note, making his decision to become Kira

"The power of the Kishin goes beyond human understanding. It is evolution itself!... DWMA's intent can be summed up in one expression: "Maintain the Status Quo". But time moves forward. Isn't it logical that we grow and advance along with it? It's only natural. Doctor Stein... do you really want a monotonous world... where nothing ever changes?"
Medusa Gorgon, Soul Eater

Comic Books

Magneto: I am not your enemy, X-Men, nor do I consider you mine. True, my goal has ever been the conquest of Earth — but solely to create a world where our race, Homo Superior, can live in peace. Look at yourselves, risking your lives for a humanity that would rather see you behind bars, or dead. Why do you persist?
Cyclops: Is your way any better? A mutant dictatorship?
Magneto: Do not take that tone with me, boy. I have lived under a dictatorship and seen my family butchered by its servants. When I rule, it will be for the betterment of all. Contentment breeds tranquility — discontent, rebellion. Therefore, I shall ensure the one by eliminating the root causes of the other: hunger, poverty, disease, war. The freedoms lost will not be noticed, even in the most libertarian of states. And the material benefits should more than balance the scales.

Films — Live-Action

J.J. Gittes: How much are you worth?
Noah Cross: I've no idea. How much do you want?
Gittes: I just want to know what you're worth. Over ten million?
Cross: Oh my, yes.
Gittes: Why are you doing it? How much better can you eat? What can you buy that you can't already afford?
Cross: The future, Mr. Gitts — the future!

Don Alejandro (Zorro): They say America is still a place for a man of vision.
Don Raphael: And you are a man of vision?
Alejandro: I am a search of a vision.
Raphael: Don Alejandro, will join me and the other dons? I have something you might wish to see.
Alejandro: And what would that be?
Raphael: [smiles] A vision.

"It was cruel fate to be born in space, but I have vowed we will not die here. It is my destiny to set my feet upon a real world to accumulate wealth and power beyond our wildest dreams. I have offered the people of the Southern Sun a rich, new life, and now they have no alternative but to accept my generosity and alter course for Corona Borealis."
Elijah Kalgan, Space Mutiny


"Because the bad people know how to plan. It's part of the specification, you might say. Every evil tyrant has a plan to rule the world. The good people don't seem to have the knack."
Havelock Vetinari, Discworld: Guards! Guards!

At that moment, in the sunset on Watership Down, there was offered to General Woundwort the opportunity to show whether he really was the leader of genius and vision which he believed himself to be, or whether he was no more than a tyrant with the courage and cunning of a pirate. For one beat of his pulse the lame rabbit's idea shone clearly before him. He grasped it and realized what it meant. The next, he had pushed it away from him. The sun dipped into the cloud bank and now he could see clearly the track along the ridge, leading to the beech hangar and the bloodshed for which he had prepared with so much energy and care.

"And then Skitter waltzes in and... it's like, she slithers right past your defenses. I can't even put it into words. You run into her, and you can't even look straight at her without feeling your skin crawl. Like when someone's got something wrong with their eye and your own eye starts watering... only with her it's because of the bugs. And then she talks, and she sounds so idealistic, and naïve. I don't know how you sound idealistic and naïve with a swarm of cockroaches and bees crawling over your face, but she does. And so you let your guard down. And then she starts making sense."
Flechette describes her encounter with Skitter, Worm

Live-Action TV

"We like to talk big, vampires do. 'I'm going to destroy the world.' That's just tough-guy talk. Strutting around with your friends over a pint of blood. The truth is, I like this world. You've got... [ponders that] racing. Manchester United. And you've got people. Billions of people walking around like Happy Meals with legs. It's all right here. [sigh] But then someone comes along with a vision. With a real passion for destruction. Angel could pull it off. Good-bye, Picadilly. Farewell, Leicester-bloody-Square, know what I'm saying?"


Gamma, stand, for you are now unchained
You'll bring peace to a world gone insane
Restoring the freedom to make you whole
I'll give you power, you take control
The Megas, "Gamma Unchained"

Tabletop Games

"Nothing of such grand scale can be achieved without a singular vision at its heart, least of all the reconquest of the Galaxy."
The Emperor to the priest of "The Last Church", Warhammer 40,000

Video Games

"This Fontaine fellow is somebody to watch. Once, he was just a menace, to be convicted and hung. But he always manages to be where the evidence isn't. He's the most dangerous type of hoodlum... the kind with vision."
Andrew Ryan, BioShock

Rin: If word got out that machina pose a danger, people would fear them and stop using them.
Paine: So Yevon's not alone in sweeping things under the rug.
Rin: I firmly believe that machina are an indispensable part of Spira's development. Even if there is another incident, I intend to conceal the evidence.
Yuna: You really think people will follow you that way?
Rin: I am not alone in my thinking.
Final Fantasy X-2, The Mi-Hen Highroad Conspiracy (Rin outcome)

"If they already call me a villain, what will they call me when I succeed?"
"The more they try to kill me, the more they reveal I am on the right path."

"I have a dream! That one day every person in this nation will control their own destiny. A land of the truly free, dammit. A nation of action, not words, ruled by strength, not committee! Where the law changes to suit the individual, not the other way around. Where power and justice are back where they belong: in the hands of the people! Where every man is free to think — to act — for himself! Fuck all these limp-dick lawyers and chickenshit bureaucrats. Fuck this 24-hour Internet spew of trivia and celebrity bullshit! Fuck American pride! Fuck the media! FUCK ALL OF IT! America is diseased. Rotten to the core. There's no saving it — we need to pull it out by the roots. Wipe the slate clean. BURN IT DOWN! And from the ashes a new America will be born. Evolved, but untamed! The weak will be purged and the strongest will thrive — free to live as they see fit, they'll make America great again! ...In my new America, people will die and kill for what they BELIEVE! Not for money. Not for oil! Not for what they're told is right. Every man will be free to fight his own wars!"
Senator Steven Armstrong, Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance

"He despised the greed of Men, the predictability of Dwarves. But most of all he hated the Elves, who wished to embalm the world. 'Middle-earth will change', he told me. 'It will bend to my will. It will not be fixed in place, and it will not be restored to the vision of its makers. It will become something new.'"
Shelob on Sauron, Middle-earth: Shadow of War

"Villains want to fight the establishment and topple the status quo. But they're branded as 'villains' just because they want to change the world."
Marina, Splatoon 2


"Most executives only care about the next quarter. They lack vision. I plan in decades."
Deus, Grrl Power (#387)

Western Animation

"Without you, all my plans are suddenly possible. I have a vision for the future, Roku."
Fire Lord Sozin, Avatar: The Last Airbender

"Your worthy Sir Topham Hatt thinks I need to learn. He is mistaken. We diesels don't need to learn, we know everything. We come to a yard and improve it. We are revolutionary!"

"I lacked vision?! He's the fool with no vision! Destroy everything in his path, no goal, no plan? I would have united worlds. That... is vision!"
Nerissa, W.I.T.C.H., "X is for Xanadu"

"My mission is peaceful. Any intervention... would make it otherwise."

"Vandal once wrote: 'It is better to capture an army than to destroy it.' He had learned that more can be gained controlling men in peace, than in the chaos of war. For war is death. Death is waste. And life should not be wasted while it may yet be controlled to serve a greater purpose."
Cassandra Savage, Young Justice, "Evolution"
