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Quotes / Tuxedo and Martini

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The Boss: What is that camouflage you're wearing?
Snake: Oh, this. What do you think?
The Boss: Of all the—
Snake: Looks pretty good on me, doesn't it?
The Boss: Are you out of your mind? You can't wear that in battle! It's like saying to the enemy, "Hey! Here I am! Shoot me!"
Snake: Well, I'll admit it is a little on the flashy side...
Boss: Then why don't you—
Snake: But it does look good on me, doesn't it?

James Bond: Only a certain kind of woman wears a backless dress with a Beretta 70 strapped to her thigh.
Sévérine: One can never be too careful when handsome men in tuxedos carry Walthers.

I noticed in your dating profile you wrote that you're a secret agent. But, doesn't that make it not so secret? You're wearing a tuxedo in a coffee shop. I think you blew your own cover, okay?
Chelsea, Raven's Home

Being a secret agent is totally awesome. I get to do one-liners and climb around in the air vent, plus, Chelsea has so much money to burn, they bought me, like, all these cool new gadgets! [cut to him using a laser gun attached to Kai Havertz's head, a circular saw attached to Hakim Ziyech's arm, and finally Thiago Silva as a battering ram, to open a door]
Christian Pulisic, The Champions

The popular image of the spy holding a Martini in one hand and a voluptuous woman in the other is surprisingly accurate, at least for when they're not infiltrating an enemy base.
Spy unit profile, Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3
