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Quotes / Treachery Is a Special Kind of Evil

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"No punishment, in my opinion, is too great for the Man who can build 'his greatness upon his Country’s ruin.'"

"I have learned to hate all traitors, and there is no disease that I spit on more than treachery."
Unknown, sometimes attributed to Aeschylus

"Landsforræderi ansees med rette for den avskyeligste av alle forbrytelser fordi den kan bli så vidtrekkende og skjebnesvanger i sine konsekvenser, og fordi den underkjenner og angriper den samfølelse og det samhold som er en nasjons høyeste lov."
"Treason is rightfully considered the most despicable of all crimes because it can be so far-reaching and fateful in its consequence, and because it invalidates and attacks the solidarity and unity which are the highest law of a nation."
Prosecutor Annæus Schjødt during the Court of Appeal case against Vidkun Quisling

Sly: We need to take Penelope down, but how? Man, we need Bentley back.
Galleth: I am still a bit bewildered that the Black Knight was a friend of yours.
Sly: Yeah, well obviously she's no friend of ours now.
Galleth: In the face of such treachery, there is but one option. We storm this castle, and smash this villain.

"You know what we used to do in the old days when we were smart with spies and treason, right? We used to handle it a little differently than we do now."

"Worse than cowardice. Worse than defeat. You have betrayed me. Did you not think I would know what you had done? How can you still underestimate my power?"
Anubis, Stargate SG-1, "Threads"

"Does a traitor betray himself?"
Saburo Naotara Ichimonji, Ran

"Worry about your own fortunes, gentlemen. The deepest circle of hell is reserved for betrayers and mutineers."

"The act of treachery is an art, but the traitor himself is a piece of shit."
Mike Tyson

Father Brown: "By the time of the Battle of the Black River he had fallen from world to world to that place which Dante makes the lowest floor of the universe.”
Hercule Flambeau: “What do you mean?”
Brown: “I mean that, do you remember whom Dante put in the last circle of ice?”
Flambeau: “The traitors."
Father Brown, 'The Sign of the Broken Sword"

Donna: It was people pushing paper around fifty years ago, what does it mattter?
Sam: It was high treason and it mattered a great deal. This country is an idea and one that has lit the world for two centuries. Treason against that idea is not just a crime against the living. This ground holds the graves of people who died for it. Who gave what Lincoln called "that last full measure of devotion". Of fidelity.

They weren't my friends. They weren't even my comrades. They were a means to an end. I was in it to reap the rewards. When their big crusade put my life on the line, it wasn't a difficult choice. Heroes become martyrs. Professionals stay alive.
