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Quotes / Traveling at the Speed of Plot

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Julio: No problem, I can get you there in ten days, eight if the world is at risk.
Roy: You have reserve power you can use?
Julio: No, I mean the ship literally flies faster the more is at stake. Darndest thing, really.
Roy: Huh. Do you think you could shave a day off if there might be two worlds on the line?
Julio: It's worth a shot, but I've been doing this more than thirty years and I've never arrived anywhere earlier than the nick of time.
(Flashback to Julio swinging through the window of a dentist's office)
Dentist: Mr. Scoundrél! We were just about to cancel your root canal!
Julio: I guess I've got some nerve causing a commotion!

Michelle(Who has been on the ship for all of three minutes): Wow, so let's get on with the mission. Buckle up for landing, everyone!
Zidgel: Woah, slow down there, missy. I don't think you have a full appreciation of the demands of space travel... space travel can take hours, days, even, uh, several days. It's not like in those T.V. shows where they just go zipping around-
But let's think about three important words here. "Fifteen hours ago". That means one of two things. Clark Kent either drank this carton of milk fifteen hours before Dick Grayson was kidnapped by Batman, and thus it is a magical prescient carton of milk, OR it's actually been a long enough ride in the Batmobile for Dick to have been reported missing, for his name to get to the missing persons groups, for them to submit his information to the milk company, for the milk company to print the cartons, distribute the cartons, and then for Clark Kent to go to the grocery store and buy the carton of milk.

Kuzco: No! It can't be! How'd you get back here before us?
Yzma: Ah— (pause) How did we, Kronk?
Kronk: Well, you got me. (shows a diagram that explains the improbability of the situation) By all accounts it doesn't make sense.
