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Quotes / Transplanted Character Fic

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"...And they were roommates!"
"Oh my God, they were roommates..."
— A video recorded by mattsukkar, promptly applied to every ship imaginable

don’t you think it’s kind of funny that we have these characters with magical powers that go on incredible adventures and do amazing things and that’s really impressive but after a while we’re like “okay so what if they just owned a coffee shop. imagine them filing their taxes”
— Tumblr user killuangel

Thesis: the most fun and relatable characters are the ones who go on death-defying adventures, yet you can also easily imagine them doing their taxes.
— Tumblr user prokopetz

-“…to a fancy Italian restaurant.”

There’s an Italy in this setting? Not Spagonia?

-That kind of leads into the next point, namely that this feels less like an STH story, and more a story that happens to have STH characters in it. The mention of Italy, Silver randomly being part of a ‘squad’ (how that ties in with him being from the future or getting back isn’t mentioned), Knuckles stated to be a ‘natural flirt,’ not to mention his “business career” (I guess he just abandons his guardianship)…the ‘incidental’ approach makes these factors make much more sense. If it isn’t taking an ‘incidental approach’ however, then yikes.
Hawki's review of the Sonic the Hedgehog fanfic Rouge's Heart

"Odd. I didn't think we sporked stories from Fiction Press. I mean, this must be from Fiction Press if it's an original story, and it must be an original story, because it has nothing in common with any existing fandom I've heard or seen. Weird coincidence how two of the characters have names from the Harry Potter series."
beacon80, pottersues
