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Quotes / Throw It In!

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That was not scripted.
Michael Scott, The Office (US)

We don't make mistakes, just happy little accidents.
Bob Ross, The Joy of Painting

Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.
Scott Adams, The Dilbert Principle

You can fix it or you can feature it.

"NOT written by us, but brilliantly ad-libbed by Nathan Lane in rehearsal. Since it's gotten such a huge laugh at every show, we've taken full credit for it."
Mel Brooks & Tom Meehan, annotation in The Producers: The Book, Lyrics, and Story Behind the Biggest Hit in Broadway History!

"The guitar sound in the middle section of 'Echoes' was created inadvertently by David plugging in a wah-wah pedal back to front. Sometimes great effects are the results of this kind of pure serendipity, and we were always prepared to see if something might work on a track. The grounding we'd received from Ron Geesin note  in going beyond the manual had left its mark."
Nick Mason of Pink Floyd, on the making of "Echoes"

"I always wanted to play two bass drums but I always said to myself, 'No, I'm not gonna be one of these wankers who goes on stage and has two bass drums and never even fuckin' plays 'em'. Not until I can play 'em. So I got this other bass drum and I used to get to rehearsals a couple of hours before the other guys and just practice, you know, just sit there going like running, or something like that. I was actually playing that riff, just trying to get my coordination right, when Eddie and Lemmy walked in, and I was just about to stop and they went, 'No, don't stop! Keep going!' And that was how Overkill got written."
Phil "Philthy Animal" Taylor on "Overkill" by Motörhead

(stumbling over his words) Arin, that one-or-five things you said are all of my favorites. (looks at script) What- But should we first get back to doing Game Grumps first? (Beat, he bursts out laughing) Can we use that?

Honor Your Mistakes as a Hidden Intention.
Brian Eno, Oblique Strategies

"I used to fight with her on the phone, and they came out to be steps. I tripped once, and fell. You know what Millie said to me? 'Do it again!'"
Pedro "Cuban Pete" Aguilar, mambo dancer, on developing steps with his dance partner Millie Donay

The funniest part is that the little egg/chicken fella under the hat that you've all seen was a complete and total misunderstanding.

My concept art had that picture of the egg-chicken on the top left with the arrow pointing at the hat. I meant for that to be the logo on Rooster's trucker hat which I wasn't entirely sure about keeping. I handed the sketch over to Isaiah to start animating the scenes he was in. When we got the shots back from him, we saw the shot where Rooster gets scared to the point of his hat flying off, upon which you can see the little egg fella under it, bugging out like Rooster is. I was like, "..wait no, that wasn't an actual chicken, that was just his hat logo."

Everyone just sort of looked at each other and I was like "...screw it, I like it better like this, let's roll with it."
Mystery Ben on the creation of Lil' Sunny, Mystery Skulls Animated

"But first, let me tell you the story of our people.
It all started, long ago...
No, you know what?
Undyne after forgetting the speech she was supposed to recite to Frisk before dueling them, Undertale

"There's that memorable scene at the end of Gyakuten Saiban 2, where [Franziska] cries, right? That scene wasn't actually in the original scenario. At the start of the development, when we came up with the necessary animations for all the characters, I had asked for one where she cried thinking I might need it. I figured she'd eventually cry, but then we were at the end of the game and she still hadn't. But the animation was good, and I knew Iwamoto here was going to cry if I left it unused, so I quickly added that scene at the end."
Shu Takumi

There wasn't a scripted laugh for Carolina before she hits Caboose. I wrote in another heavy sigh, so seeing that change was a really fun surprise for me when I saw the cut. It's so good and so satisfying! I love that they made that change. It works so much better.
Joshua Kazemi's post-release notes for Red vs. Blue: QvsA, "Caboose vs Carolina, Who Would Win?"

When I wrote The Atlantis Chronicles . . . in the first issue I decided to have it be that the reason Atlantis sank was because of a meteor strike - which a number Atlantean scholars believe is what happened - so I described that the meteor was drawing closer and closer. And at one point, around page 30, I said "Panel 1: the meteor has drawn closer and for the first time we can now see the face of the meteor - its craggy surface and exterior." Now when I said 'face' I meant front/surface. We got the pages back, and to my astonishment, Esteban Maroto had drawn a death's head skull face onto the meteor. And I'm looking and going "Holy crap there's an actual face!" and the closer it got, the more clearer it was that there was this giant death's head skull coming at you. And Bob Greenberger, who was my editor on it, said "do you want me to have art corrections change it?" and I looked at it and said "No,... y'know what? I like it" . . . And so we left the death's head skull in there.
