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Quotes / The Space Adventure

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The opening narration for the game was already in english for the japanese release. The Sega CD localization polishes and changes a few lines, both making the prose cooler and making Cobra sound like more of a morally-ambiguous outlaw.

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    PC Engine Opening 
His name is Cobra.
He's a master of the universe,
the legendary pirate
of the people.

His domain is space
and he cruises the galaxy
with his Lady Armoroid
riding shotgun.

No one can match his sense
of survival as he always
outwits the Galaxy Patrol.

There's a prize on his head
but he can't be touched.
The man is mean to the bone.

He shralps his foes like frogs
in a blender.

One day, he just up and
boogied. Most folks think
he's long gone.

But he's not dead...

He's changed his face to fool
the dirtbags who lurk behind
the forces of evil.

He's hanging out on Earth,
waiting for his Lady to tune
his Turtle,
the ultimate space digger.

Now he's back to himself
and he's gonna waste any space
filth that gets on his way.

His pistol-first firearm
will make sure of that.

The name is Cobra.
Opening Narration (PC Engine version)

    Sega CD Opening 
The name is Cobra...
A pirate, a renegade, a master
of the universe...

He owns space, cruising the
stars with Armaroid Lady
riding shotgun.

Wasting the Galaxy Patrol and
leaving a path of destruction
is his favorite sport.

The price on his head is out
of this world, but he slips
the noose every time.

Nobody is gonna bring this guy
in alive... Nobody.

Trouble is, most people think
he's already out of the race.
He vanished from the face of
the galaxy 3 years ago and
hasn't been heard from since.

But this is no ordinary man.
This is Cobra, the man of
many faces, and now he's got
a disguise to fool those out
to do him in.

He's biding his time on Earth,
waiting to exact his sweet
revenge. They wanted to play
hardball, and now it's his
turn at bat. No one messes
with the man.

And when his mean machine
"Turtle" is tuned to
perfection... WATCH OUT!!

He has just one thing to say:
If ya play with fire,
Yer gonna get burned...

Cobra is the name...
Opening Narration (Sega CD version)
