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Quotes / The Knights Who Say "Squee!"

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Ford: I began to keep a Journal.
Dipper: [squee] THE JOURNALS!!! ...sorry, sorry. I just got excited there. About the Journals. ...keep talking.
Ford: I began to keep a Journal—
Dipper: [squee]
Ford: ...Just... going to ignore that.

Ruby Rose: Whoa, your weapon transforms too, right!? And it looks just like Crescent Rose! Hey, what other tricks can it do!? How much does it weigh? What's it made out of!? Can I hold it? Please? Please?
Ragna the Bloodedge: Argh, shut up! Just— stop talking!

"Even I have heroes."
Batman (in Zorro costume), Fat Tuesday

"As a kid, I used to watch you with my father. The Gray Ghost was my hero."

Viridi: Hey, look! It's Mega Man!
Pit: Is that really him? It IS really him! WOW!
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U

Hikaru Shidou: Um, excuse me!
Kouji Kabuto: Yes? How may I help you?
Hikaru Shidou: Are you really Kouji Kabuto, pilot of Mazinger Z?
Kouji Kabuto: Yep. That's me.
Hikaru Shidou: OHMYGOSH! This is so cool! I'm so glad I came to Tokyo Tower!
Super Robot Wars T, in what would happen when you replace 'sightseeing atop of the tower' to meeting the 'granddaddy' of the Super Robot Genre in person.

Ant-Man: Ca... Captain America...
Captain America: Mr. Lang.
Ant-Man: It's an honor. I'm shaking your hand too long. Wow, this is awesome!

"My God, you're a Valkyrie! I used to wanna be a Valkyrie when I was younger, until I found out that you were all women. There's nothing wrong with women, of course. I love women. Sometimes a little too much. Not in a creepy way, just more of a respectful appreciation. I think it's great that there is an elite force of women warriors. It's about time."
Thor, Thor: Ragnarok

The Flash: Batman's real?
Green Lantern: Yeah, he's over there.
Flash: Wait, what? It is a real honor to meet you, sir, Batman. Sir, Batman, sir. Ahem.

"...if I were going to save you in a dramatic fashion, I would totally dress as Wonder Woman."
Kate Kane, Batwoman (2019)

"A little less fangirl; a little more Wonder Girl."
Wonder Woman, Young Justice (2010), "Alienated"

"Chase Young is my all-time hero! He's an evil-doer's evil-doer!"
Jack Spicer, Xiaolin Showdown

Minori: Can you do another show for us, Airi? Just one more time, pretty please?
Airi: Hey, don't drift over to their side.
Minori: But...!
Livestream comments: Minori gets it. | Can't help but love Airi. | Fan first, idol second lol.
Hatsune Miku: Colorful Stage!, "Scramble Fan Festival!"

Minori: I daydreamed a lot about what I've always wanted to wear if I ever became an idol and thought I'd get some ideas really fast, but I couldn't think of anything good.
Livestream comments: Fan first, idol second. | One of Minori's best qualities.
Hatsune Miku: Colorful Stage!, "Cast a Spell On You"
