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Quotes / The Forever War

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  • 'Tonight, we're going to show you eight silent ways to kill a man.' (Opening line)
  • We rushed to the ship, sealed it and filled it with cool air and popped our suits. I didn't press seniority for the shower; just sat back in an acceleration couch and took deep breaths of air that didn't smell like recycled Mandella.
  • [Upon meeting Col. Jack Kynock:] 'Colonel—' — 'Don't Colonel me and I won't Major you. We old fossils have to ... keep our perspective. William'
  • [Implying the first of many implied sex scenes in the book:] Why do you always get the tired ones when you're ready and the randy ones when you're tired? I bowed to the inevitable.
  • [On seeing his love Marygay leave on a separate assignment:] When her shuttle took off it was like a casket rattling down into a grave
