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Quotes / The Assimilator

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"We are the Borg. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance Is Futile."

"I saw Father. He covered every square inch of the moon, every mile of ocean floor, every tiny island, everything from pole to pole. A billion tentacles all waving and waiting.
We were not Father's only victims. I saw Generationals and Illamans. I saw Capasins. I saw members of races we had encountered on our long, long search. I saw races no Ketran had ever met. All of them dead. None alive but me, if this was truly life. But it mattered little to Father. Even the dead could be used, kept whole, their soulless brains made to function.
How many spacecraft had been drawn to this blue moon? Father was old. He had been old before the first sentient lit his first rocket."

"At night, we cluster close together, even though all of stink of death and bodies that haven't seen a bath in months. It's better than cowering alone and listening to the knock-kneed haint come walking by. We think it grows by consuming us — it eats the starved ones up and walks on borrowed bones ill-fit together. And so many of us have wasted away, and so many more are bound to follow.
In another month, that thing will be a god."
Wishbones, by Cherie Priest

"You belong to us. You shall be like us."
Cyber-Controller, Doctor Who, "The Tomb of the Cybermen"

"This broadcast is for humankind. Cybermen now occupy every landmass on this planet. But you need not fear. Cybermen will remove fear. Cybermen will remove sex, and class, and color, and creed. You will become identical. You will become like us!"
Cyber-Controller, Doctor Who, "Doomsday"

"The Borg is the ultimate user, they're unlike any threat your Federation has ever faced. They're not interested in political conquest, wealth, or power as you know it. They're simply interested in your ship, its technology. They've identified it as something they can consume."

Locutus of Borg: Worf, Klingon species. A warrior race. You will be assimilated.
Worf: The Klingon Empire will never yield.
Locutus: Why do you resist? We only wish to raise quality of life for all species.
Worf: I like my species the way it is.

Data: Greetings. ...I am curious, do you control the Borg collective?
Borg Queen: You imply disparity where none exists. I am the Collective.
Data: Perhaps I should rephrase the question. I wish to understand the organizational relationship. Are you their leader?
Borg Queen: I bring order to chaos.
Data: An interesting, if cryptic response.
Borg Queen: You are in chaos, Data. You are the contradiction. A machine who wishes to be human.
Data: As you seem to know so much about me, you must be aware that I am programmed to evolve and better myself.
Borg Queen: We too are on a quest to better ourselves. Evolving toward a state of perfection.
Data: Forgive me. The Borg do not evolve. They conquer.
Borg Queen: By assimilating other beings into our collective, we are bringing them closer to perfection.
Data: Somehow I question your motives.

"All will be one."
New Phyrexian motto, Magic: The Gathering

The power he stole, that he ascended to, that he devoured, was the secret of eating names — of swallowing them entirely and feeding on the power they grant. He could eat the name of a person, and that person would falter and die, and everything that lived in that person he would digest and incorporate into himself. I know that this story is true, for I have heard him. Sometimes, in the silence of the mind that comes on you when you search for a precise word that you cannot quite remember, you could hear him. I did. Others did. We heard him, far away, chewing on things that become forgotten, heard the scrape of teeth like knives against the paper-skin of names.
— The Story of the Eater, Vampire: The Masquerade — Clanbook: Malkavian

"Welcome... to my gallery. Perhaps you know some of my collection? This is my research laboratory, and these are my subjects: I have studied them all, and have taken the best from each. From you... I will take strategy."
Morphius, Return to Zork

"To call the Borg a race would be inaccurate. To call them a plague upon existence might possibly be understatement."
Commander Bradden, Star Trek Online

"Wait until Nick Mallory gets a down-load of me. My brain sparkles! I am the harbinger of a glorious dawn! Meld with me and SUBMIT TO MY COMMANDS!"
Trina as Sparklebrain, Grojband, "Ahead of our Own Tone"

Kay: What do you want with the heart? Ticker acting up?
Alpha: Oh, that's right, you wouldn't know. I've done some personal remodeling since we parted company. These days... [reveals tentacles] I'm fully loaded.
Men in Black: The Series, "The Alpha Syndrome"

"You see, Zedd, I possess the combined intellect of four superior races... and the brute force of one stupid one. You're out of your league, old boy."
Alpha, one last time, Men in Black: The Series

"There we are! I've removed their flaws! Now there is nothing to hinder my white light from sparking through them. I'd rather not spread my uninhibited self so thin, you know, but you've made it absolutely necessary. Now, the impurities you've encouraged in them are gone. Now, they are brilliant! Now, they are perfect! Now... they are ME!"
White Diamond, Steven Universe, "Change Your Mind"

Obsessed with survival through diversification, the Machine Intelligence seeks to erase the line between itself and everything — and everyone — else.
— Flavor text for the Driven Assimilators, Stellaris

The Sullen, in their motionlessness, were eventually fused together by the same force that created the other demons, becoming the biblical Leviathan, an abomination prophesized to be at the end of the world

The heart, which houses the souls of the Sullen in endless anguish as their flesh, veins and nerves writhe and mutate, attempted to escape its body, but Gabriel struck it down with his divine spears, pinning it back onto its head, unable to move.
— Terminal Data for The Leviathan, ULTRAKILL

Pigma: Raaa ha ha ha! Hoo hoo ha... Incredible... You must join us... Raah! ''(Pigma transforms into an Aparoid monster) Wroo... Wrah... Rrrraaaaaarrrrr!!!
Fox: Wha-What is that thing?!?
Aparoid Pigma: Do not resist. You have been warned.
Fox: Looks like Pigma's already gone... Who or what are you?!?
Aparoid Pigma: We will answer. We are the ultimate existence. You cannot resist us. You will join us.
Pigma Dengar's transformation into an Aparoid Monster in Star Fox: Assault

