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Quotes / Tainted by the Preview

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"Several games developers who are far more experienced than us have fallen into the trap of enthusiastically promising the world during production, and ending up with a mob of pitch-fork wielding hardcore outside their offices threatening to burn the building to the ground unless their demands are immediately satisfied. We wish to avoid this."
Chris Delay, Introversion Software, announcing Subversion

"You fucking idiots. I... I... no... this... I just... I can't even start! This is... This is literally the worst reveal event I-I've ever seen. This, literally... if you cannot bring the big guns, if you cannot bring the good stuff to your reveal, DON'T DO THE REVEAL!"

"That first visual of an emo cartoon character scowling and holding a gun was toxic to the game's reputation from the moment it was revealed. Long before it even came out, Shadow was seen as such a naked, misguided attempt to cash in on the trends of the time that it didn't really matter what the game was actually like. ["Ow the edge"] was already all that people would ever see it as. You might say that Shadow's concept overshadowed anything else about it. (sighs) It wouldn't be the last time that happened."

"I don't get why video games have trailers. Films have trailers and games have demos! That's how it works; you need to be able to play a bit of it to get what it's about. Any game trailer, especially ones that don't show gameplay, are basically two minutes of a publisher soaping their ballsack under carefully arranged mood lighting. Thanks again to our number three worst game for reminding us of this: Dead Motherfucking Island. Great trailer, boring, glitchy, horribly designed game. And just because I like the smell of my own farts doesn't mean I want to spend three hours in a sewer level."
Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw, Top 5 of 2011

Announcer: Join Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Cream, Rouge, and an Apple Arcade subscription on a brand new—
