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Video Games

Koal: Heh heh heh... Hold nothing back!
Adder: Heh he...Hmm. Odd. That is my motto, too.
Advance Wars: Dual Strike

Web Original

The sorcerer who resurrected Kain in Blood Omen was played by Tony Jay. The god who resurrects Raziel in Soul Reaver is played by Tony Jay. See, it's like poetry. It rhymes.

Ironside plays General Katana, who hams it up like crazy in this movie and interestingly, does not fight with a katana. He's pretty much the bad guy for the simple reason that he wears black leather and gets most of the pithy dialogue. I still remember with fondness the scene where he's terrorizing passengers in a subway train while speeding around the city and shouting taunts at them. Wait...that sounds kind of familiar.

David: Realization: Hot Cop is basically playing Batman in this movie.
Chris: … son of a b***h, you’re right.
David: It’s the exact same wrong-side-of-the-law sexually-charged are-they-f***ing-or-fighting relationship.
Chris: It also explains why he’s the only one in the entire city capable of solving a crime.
David: And why he’s on all of the cases. I guarantee you he was Bruce Wayne in the first draft. As a matter of fact, this entire movie feels like a bizarre, mutated version of Batman Returns. Like it comes from an alternate future where it evolved into something… new.
Chris: Does that make Sharon Stone the Penguin? I mean… It kind of actually does. She’s angry at a society that rejected her because of her looks!
— Chris Sims and David Uzumeri on Catwoman

Web Video

Piccolo: Freeza did it.
Cooler: Excuse you?
Krilin: The robot thing. Freeza did it. When he came back to Earth.
Cooler: But that's not the same-
Piccolo: After he took over Namek, like you are now.
Cooler: Wait! He destroyed Namek!
Gohan: Well, this is new Namek.
Cooler: So it's completely different!
Piccolo: Yeah, about as different as you are from Freeza.
Krilin: Shots fired!
Cooler: Kill the bald one.
Krilin: Freeza did it!

Jim Ross: The WWE family has signed an athlete that we believe—
Spanish translator: We need a new Rey Mysterio Jr..
Ross: —has the potential—
Translator: He wears a mask.
Ross: —to be the next great superstar in WWE.
Translator: Seriously, Rey's knees are fucked.
Ross: It is someone that, after watching him perform—
Translator: We watched a music video of him set to Disturbed.
Ross: —that I truly believe can become a global cultural icon.
Translator: Kids love to buy masks.
Botchamania, Sin Cara Edition

Jay: Oh, here's where they meet with the Mayor... And the Walter Peck equivalent character is there. Hey, remember Mayor, the time when we saved the city? And we're warning you that there's problems, again? But you don't believe us for no reason?
Rich: I'm actually kinda shocked it's not Walter Peck.

Eraqus: Go to other worlds and beat up enemy called Unversed.
Terra: You mean Heartless.
Eraqus: (places a hand on Terra's shoulder) Unversed.

This Kong's got style, so listen up dudes
She took Dixie's job, and that's just rude
She can float through the air, and climb up trees
But every Kong climbs fucking trees
If you choose her, you'll not choose wrong
But she still took a job from Dixie Kong
Some Call Me Johnny describing Tiny Kong in his DK Rap

Real Life

"Each writer is born with a repertoire company in his head. Shakespeare has perhaps 20 players. I have 10 or so, and that's a lot. As you get older, you become more skillful at casting them."
