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Quotes / Superman and the Authority

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I've been thinking about what you said — you and your Justice League, if you'd done summink about it when you had the chance, the world wouldn't ever have turned out like this — you were at your peak back in the day.
Manchester Black

I've already anticipated every move you could ever make, in every possible and not possible combination. I've run every conceivable combat scenario. In all of them all of you die and that's how it is.

It's not right that there's only one way and that's to kill them. Yet again they turn us into murderers. We're better than this.

June Moon/Enchantress: I'm too weak — too muddled up — I've done everything wrong.
Superman: We all make mistakes. Every moment's a fresh opportunity to do something you can be proud of!

I'm Natasha by the way... I'm the one with all the theories. Welcome to the party.
Natasha Irons/Steel II

22 million followers relying on my optimistic updates in a world that's falling apart - all looking up to me. The girl who makes the sunshine. All on her own in the dark.
Lia Nelson/Lightray

The Bottled City of Kandor awaits. Imagine my brain in your skull! TOGETHER WE WILL REMAKE THE WORLD!

Remember the first time mrrm? Before Lex Luthor, before the Parasite, there was me hrrnn? You and I established the template for a new kind of conflict that has endured for decades — hnn. Super-beings waging war for control of the future. Me with my purple plague, my invisible car, my atomic disintegrator, my multiple bodies... My unstoppable invention... You with your magnificent strength, your self-assurance, your humanistic creed.

The Ultra-Humanite. The first of my superhuman foes. The first to present me with a challenge beyond the gangsters and bullies I dealt with back then.

Here is the problem as I see it. The ecosystem of Planet Earth is under threat from a rapacious omni-predator. Homo sapiens: fast-breeding, all-consuming. This world's rich and abundant biosphere faces catastrophic degradation.
