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Quotes / Super Serum

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"You're a lab rat, Rogers. The only thing special about you came out of a bottle."
Tony Stark, The Avengers (2012)

"You get to a certain point and either you're going to take it to the next level or you're not. It's very rare that we see guys who are genetically gifted. It's funny, because we're really good friends with John Cena, me and my brothers, and as far as I know, in all the years I've known John, no. I've known him inside and out, been to his place a million times before he was a wrestler, my brothers and I actually encouraged John to get into wrestling and brought him to wrestling school at UPW and things like that. Never known the guy to take a steroid, never asked me about steroids, never know really much about it, you know, and he's a freak. You know and just a testament to the fact that, uh, what steroids do, my younger brother is like way stronger than John and John always calls him up and says 'hey, I dead lifted six hundred pounds today'. My brother says 'Yeah, I did that in fifth grade.' And they joke about it. And it's funny, John doesn't need to be a power lifter, he's a world champion awesome wrestler but in John's mind he still wants to lift as much weight as possible. He still wants to achieve great things, he wants to bench press five hundred pounds and in my estimates if John was on steroids he'd be breaking world records because he is like a beast when he trains, but it's just funny to see the difference between somebody who is basically on steroids and somebody's who is natural. It's definitely a huge difference."
Christopher Bell, The Wrestling Observer

"I ain't much for drugs... but hell, when fortune is knockin', ya gotta greet that door with a smile and a nod. Salud!"
Soldier's Syringe log entry, Risk of Rain 2
