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Quotes / Straw Feminist

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Just then, a feminist jumps out of a manhole - oh, and she didn't like that.
Bill Bailey

Jane, come to your senses! You killed a man. You're a hero to every woman in this country!

Our library is far too sophisticated for a man to comprehend.
Beata, Star Trek: The Next Generation ("Angel One")

All men are potential rapists. All men. Without exception.
Jane, Shirley Valentine (the character is later shown to be a total Hypocrite)

It's the media, man, the goddamn brainwashing mainstream feminist fascist media.
Kenji, Katawa Shoujo

Seems like equality for women has ended up meaning inequality for men.
from a Luann strip

"Would you care to make a donation to Women Against Shaving?
”I’m sorry, I don’t have any change.”
“Do you support the aims of the male supremacist razorblade industry?”
Atlantis High, episode 1

Out of my way, sperm bank.

Though we adore men individually, we agree that, as a group, they're rather stupid.
Winifred Banks, Mary Poppins

Four ravaging, man-hating, vicious, hulking, Lesbian, sadistic, fetishistic Women's Libbers motorcycled down the highway to where George was hiding behind a bush.
The Cliches from Outer Space, by Joanna Russ

"If I could just quote from Spare Cheeks, Shelley, 'Women - stand erect, lift up your breasts, and roar'. End of quote."
Amanda Ripley, Girls on Top, "Staying Alive"

    Real Life 
Hanna Rosin's newly-released The End of Men (based on a column from The Atlantic with the same name) argues that, basically, Spice World was one of the more prescient films of the last fifty, unable to do any damn thing right, are regressing to a sort of stunted Daniel Tosh-esque be-hoodied boy manhood. Soon they will be kept on ranches and farmed for their sperm while the women of the matriarchy hold high minded debates about whether it's okay to require that men taken for walks off of preapproved government Man Reserves should be leashed, or if that's inhumane.
Erin Gloria Ryan, Jezebel

I don't understand why the Smallville writers don't get this. Yes, Lois Lane has to be a "strong" character. Yes, she has to be emotionally tough and borderline brilliant in order to attract someone like Superman. Her strength makes her stand out. But why, oh why, do the writers equate acting like a cow to complete strangers with personal strength. I didn't see a tough woman forging her own way in the world here, I saw a whiny, overgrown toddler browbeating someone because she was the one who wanted to make stops along the way and so was late for her reservation.
Julian Finn on Smallville, "Escape"

...Who cares how men feel or what they do or whether they suffer? They have had over 2000 years to dominate and made a complete hash of it. Now it is our turn. My only comment to men is, if you don't like it, bad luck - and if you get in my way I'll run you down.
Letter to the Editor: "Women's Turn to Dominate" — Signed: Liberated Women, Boronia — Herald-Sun, Melbourne, Australia - 9 February 1996

One of criticisms for this movie is the portrayal of women; mainly Amanda. No longer are the women in (Woody) Allen's movies just slightly neurotic or finnicky but now straight up evil harpies... in the past Allen was much more able to take as well as he gave. In Annie Hall, Annie may have issues, but Alvy was just as bad if not worse. In Anything Else, Amanda is evil and Jerry is as innocent as an angel.

The most toe-curlingly awful moments of The Time Monster are where Ruth is made a feminist to make her comically annoying. But that's nothing compared to this story, which contrives to have the Doctor be a sexist ass to Sarah just so she can complain about it. The problem here should be obvious — the show goes out of its way to make a major character sexist just so it can get in a line complaining about sexism. In other words, the show's reaction to feminism is actually to make its major characters more sexist.

...I feel that 'man-hating' is an honorable and viable political act, that the oppressed have a right to class-hatred against the class that is oppressing them.
Robin Morgan (editor of MS magazine)

Maureen Dowd has only ever remained employed so that the sexist bastards who own the New York He-Man Woman-Hater’s Newsletter can point to her and go 'gosh, aren’t women and feminists dumb and selfish and evil she-beasts who try and steal your alimony, you hear that Cheryl, I’ll get my kids back, you’ll see!'

And despite how mind-numbingly awful she is when trying to handle anything related to gender politics, Dowd always manages to find exciting new lows whenever she turns her syphilis-riddled mind to politics. Endless parades of poorly sublimated daddy issues, deep grudges based on imaginary slights, and just pure concentrated stupid on the level to make one weep for one’s gender....Jonathan Swift she ain't.

...Moreover, in the not-so-distant past, the belief that women routinely make up rape charges often led to appalling treatment of victims. However, in challenging what author and law professor Susan Estrich has called “the myth of the lying woman,” feminists have been creating their own counter-myth: that of the woman who never lies.
Slate, "Crying Rape"

The feminist dilemma is that when women like Elle Macpherson make millions of dollars from strutting around in exactly the same sort of clothes, or branch into designing them, they epitomise strong, successful women. But when they are not yet rich and famous they epitomise the objectification of women.
Feminist commentators can't have it both ways.
