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Quotes / Southern-Fried Genius

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"As bright as any Southerner could be, if Albert Einstein tawked lahk thayat, theah wouldn't be no bomb. 'Folks, ah wanna tell yew 'bout newkleer fishin'...'"

"You say you're lookin' to build a transuniversal polydimensional metavortex? Well, that's mathematically feasible, ah reckon!"
Fiddleford McGucket, just before spitting into a spittoon, Gravity Falls, "A Tale of Two Stans"

"This amiable, soft-spoken good ol' boy from tiny Bee Cave, Texas loves barbeque, guns, and higher education. Natural curiosity, ten years as a roughneck in the west Texas oilfields, and eleven hard science PhDs have trained him to design, build and repair a variety of deadly contraptions."
— The Team Fortress 2 s website on The Engineer
