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Quotes / Soap Opera Disease

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As a subplot, Spleen's brother, Burnt, has a horrible disease with absolutely no physical symptoms except that it causes him to become somewhat moody.
W. Bruce Cameron, Eight Simple Rules For Dating My Teenage Daughter (the book, not the Sitcom)

Matthew: Yeah, I need come up with some new wheelchair jokes. After all, I'm here for life.
Destiny: Maybe not...

Salesman: (wearing a full body cast and oxygen mask) What's the matter with you guys?
SpongeBob: Um, we've got some head trauma and internal bleeding.
Salesman: Well, some guys have all the luck. (violin plays) I was born with glass bones and paper skin. Every morning I break my legs. And every afternoon I break my arms. At night, I lie awake in agony until my heart attacks put me to sleep.

Zorc: I have a terminal disease!
Yami Bakura: But you can't die! What about our adopted daughter? Who's going to take care of her when you're gone?
Zorc: She also has a terminal disease!

Ian: It's my professional diagnosis that, uh, he's sick. He's very sick, so very very sick. He's gonna die soon, because he's just so sick. Sick with what? The sickness, of course; he's just so very sick.

Gumball: Speaking of healthcare, what was even wrong with them?
Doctor: We haven’t pinned it down yet. Can’t be scarlet fever, there’s no rash. Can’t be strep throat, there’s no tenderness. Can’t be whooping cough, the records Nurse Markham sent us say they’ve been vaccinated against it.
Gumball: You know, I don't think that doctor ever told us what was actually wrong with them.
