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Quotes / Snipe Hunt

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"'Elbow grease'? How stupid do they think I am? Once I get back to base with that headlight fluid, I'm gonna talk to the Sergeant."
Donut, Red vs. Blue Episode 3

What? How? He wasn't supposed to actually find someone!
Princess Atta, A Bug's Life

"Ah, that favoured hazing method of many a veteran zailor, saved for particularly wet-behind-the-ears recruits. "Ask your captain to deliver this to the Gant Pole." "Go to the Gant Pole and find my pocketwatch." "Tell the crew, tonight we dine at the Gant Pole!"
So it's off to the office with an order form for a bucket of welding sparks,
and a left-handed hammer, and a corkscrew spanner, and a sheet of broken glass,
and a can of striped paint to paint the skyhook to hang my pushbike on,
"He's only the apprentice and we're only having fun!"
The Apprentice, Kevin Bloody Wilson

Ted: I want you to, er… look after the corner flags!
Dougal: Oh thank God, Ted, for a second there I thought you were going to give me something completely stupid to do!

Niles: What's a snipe hunt?
Carla: That's when you take some unsuspecting dope out to bag snipe, which don't exist, and then you ditch 'em in the woods.
Niles: That must have been completely humiliating for Frasier.
Carla: Well, that's the point!

"Even though his master, also known as the Greatest Mage, was the most patient mage in the galaxy, he finally grew tired of his apprentice. Patience does have its limits, you know. Frustrated beyond his wits, he sent his apprentice on an impossible quest - to find and retrieve The Ultimate Rod of Super-Powers."
Battle for Wesnoth user-made campaign, Talentless Mage

Toph: There was an official proclamation from the palace, that he was being sent on a quest to find the Avatar as reparations for his display of cowardice and disrespect. That he would return to the palace and his honor restored if he captured the Avatar.
Sokka: But... this was when he was thirteen? He's gotta be older than me. Aang only came out of the ice a couple of months ago...
Toph: Good way to get rid of a son you didn't want.

Challenge: Who can find the One Piece first?
[Long Montage showing entire cast searching the lands]
[Entire cast is on the boat, looking excitedly to the future]
[Smash Cut to 145,229 episodes later; Everyone is a skeleton except Boopkins, who has a long white beard]
Boopkins: Have we found the One Piece yet?

"Snipes aren't real."
"That's the point of a snipe hunt: to send a schmuck off into the woods looking for an animal that doesn't exist."
"...Except they totally exist."
"Haha, sure."
"No, really. They're birds back on Earth. Tiny, camouflaged birds. Ever wonder why we call sharpshooters 'snipers'? Because they're good enough to hit a snipe."
"No kidding?"
"Cross my heart and hope to die."
"You know, rails are a kind of bird too."
"Get out."
Railgunner lore entry, Risk of Rain 2: Survivors of the Void
