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Quotes / Smart People Know Latin

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Doc Holliday: Now I'm sure of it. I hate him.
Wyatt Earp: He's drunk.
Doc Holliday: In Vino Veritas.
Johnny Ringo: Age quod agis. trans 
Doc Holliday: Credat Juddaeus Apella, non ego. trans 
Johnny Ringo: Iuventus stultorum magister. trans 
Doc Holliday: In pace requiescat. trans 
Sheriff: C'mon now, fellas, we don't want any trouble here, not in any language.
Doc Holliday: [to his girlfriend] That's Latin, darlin'. Evidently Mr. Ringo is an educated man. Now I really hate him.

Lt. Rollins: How then do you explain that when the arresting MPs returned with you to that exact spot not 30 minutes later, there was no trace of this "Little Chicago"?
Klinger: Uh, they must have packed up and left.
Lt. Rollins: Oh, come on now, Corporal! Isn't this obviously a case of "res ipsa loquitur"?trans 
Klinger: "Racial Pepsi Cola"?
Major Winchester: I must object... strenuously!
Col. Drake: On what grounds?
Major Winchester: Because... uh... have it in a minute.
Col. Drake: Major, we don't have all day! What is your objection?
Major Winchester: Just a minute, just a minute... "Unum pilule acetylsalicylicus, tres in diem, post sebum."
Lt. Rollins: Uhm, forgive my ignorance, Mr. President, but that's a term I'm not familiar with.
Major Winchester: Oh, don't know it? Hmmm!
Col. Drake: Well, I am. Major, I want you to explain to this court exactly what that means!
Major Winchester: ... "Aspirin, three times a day."

Captain Picard: Quomodo tua Latinitas est?note 
Wesley Crusher: Praestat quad prius.note 
Picard: Oppido bonum.note  Your Latin has improved.

Agatín: "You are going to make that lady and that knight think I am a crook."
Fortún Paja: "That lady and that knight don't care by the likes of you, dear Agatín."
Agatín: "Pulvis et umbra sumus."note 
Fortún Paja: "I'm warning you: I don't know a word of Greek."
Agatín: "Vita est brevis."note 
Fortún Paja: "Even worse."
Agatín: "I mean: 'We are nothing'."
