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Quotes / Slimeball

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"Seer Rhee was a corp man, to the bone. His ultimate goal in life was to attain the strata of xec in the Papa Song Corp, a vain hope. He had long passed the age when Seers are promoted to strata of real power. Rhee clung to the belief that hard work and a blemishless record were enough to achieve what he craved. He curfewed most nights in his office; was respectful to all diners; sycophantic to his superiors; a whipman to his fabricants; and courteous to his many cuckolds, whom he hoped would pluck him from obscurity as they moved upstrata."
Sonmi-451, Cloud Atlas

"What, you call that racin'? Fugget about it. If youse is gonna face Oxide, youse is gonna have to get past me foist! I'm the speed champion here, and I'm gonna save the world! For a sizable fee, o' course! Heh heh heh heh heh..."
Pinstripe Potoroo, Crash Team Racing

"Just a second Evans. You know, I really don't know how that badge stays on, because it's pinned to slime."
Carl calling out the racist cop who pulled Eddie over. Family Matters, "Good Cop, Bad Cop"

"Watch yourself. There's something slimy about this guy. I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him."
Carth Onasi on Igear, Knights of the Old Republic

"You try to ingratiate yourself with most people, but an unwholesome sliminess is apparent in everything you do. Occasionally, you catch yourself unconsciously leer or scowling. You speak quickly, the words liberally punctuated with curse words and obscene remarks. Wipe the sweat off your forehead or scratch yourself occasionally, and get as close to the girls as they'll let you get."
— Roleplaying notes for Norm Burns, Mage: The Ascension - The Orphan's Survival Guide
