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Quotes / Shoddy Knockoff Product

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"With every big fish, there's a leech on the belly"
JonTron, Bootleg Pokémon Games

"I had a Mr. Pibb. Mr. Pibb is a replica of Dr. Pepper, but it's the bullshit replica 'cause dude didn't even get his degree. Why'd you have to drop out and start making pop so soon?"

"This apparently is Street Fighter. Ryu and Ken DO NOT live here."
Stuart Ashen, reviewing the "Street Fighter" component of the NEO Double Games

Homer: (gasp) Look at these low, low prices on famous brand name electronics!
Bart: Don't be a sap, Dad. These are just crappy knockoffs.
Homer: Pfft... I know a genuine Panaphonics when I see one. And look, there's Magnetbox and Sorny.

These guys might have invented that industry, but they’re so uniquely bad at everything they do they didn’t quite get their knocking off right and this Mario Bros. clone is really a Q*Bert clone and you play a monster named Hubert. If you don’t know anything about video games, let me assure you this is like stuffing the remains of a cat into a sock, naming it “Free Dog,” and selling it to someone looking to buy a horse.

"Game Child? Made in Chainor? This is such a knockoff, even the country it was made in is a knockoff!"

Major Burns: Hey, that watch you sold me runs backwards!
Vendor: Wear on other wrist.

"Look, I get it. You're tired of Among Us. You're tired of everything relating to Among Us. Literally every single YouTuber and their favorite congresswoman was flooding your timeline with 'the impostor when suspicious'. Among Us is a content cash cow, and trust me, I should know. I'm a hypocrite. If you're looking for something fresh and exciting, how about we just Pretend?"
"Pretend was released earlier this year and was praised for breaking new ground. Long gone are the days of crewmates and impostors, so welcome: the employees and (Corpsing) pretenders."

"Hey, shouldn't there be like a trademark or a copyright or something? I don't think Disney gave anyone permission to show Mickey being so aggressive with an ax."
Jason, Dunk

Lord Sugar: There's two items that you got fined for, the first one is the Akal tagine. You know what you've done wrong there? It's a branding issue. Now, everyone knows you can get them in Marrakesh, but we specifically asked for a branded item and you bought... some poppy piece of tut.
Margaret Mountford: You didn't even look at the list when you bought the tagine pot. Alex, that was you, wasn't it?
Alex Wotherspoon: I don't think that was solely my responsibility, because it said—
Nick Hewer: There were Gucci branded underpants everywhere you looked, but you don't really think they were the genuine article, do you?

"No! Those are original copies of genuine designer fakes!"
Jessie after Lickitung destroys her newly bought clothes, Pokémon: The Series, "Princess vs. Princess"

"These products are only available at Any other source is a dirty bootleg and won't support the show, no matter how [record scratch showing bootleg products] they look."
