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Quotes / Scarily Competent Tracker

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Gus: So how are we supposed to blindly trace a man's jogging path?
Shawn: We're going to use my Indian Blood.
Gus: You can't get Indian Blood by working at a casino.
Shawn: Maybe you can't.

Catman: I'm going to hang up this phone, but I want you to understand something. Let it sink in, or you'll never get through this. I know the sounds of that harbor. I know where you are. I know there are three of you. I know the big one has an Afrikaner accent. I know the other suffers from asthma. And I know you were born in London but lived most of your life in Australia.
Kidnapper: Are you...Are you threatening us, mate? We're holding all the cards! We're holding everything. We've got the woman, yes? We have the baby. I swear I'll make it last, you hear me?
Catman: No. You'll run. You'll hide. And in the dark...I will find you. *click*

How do they keep finding us?!
—Katara, Avatar: The Last Airbender: The Chase

Claire: You can pick up their scent, can't you? Or track their footprints?!
Owen: I was with the Navy, not the Navajo!

(Napoleon hears squeaking sounds from Edgar sneaking about)
Napoleon: Lafayette! Lafayette, listen!
Lafayette: (listens in) Aw shucks, Napoleon. It's ain't nothin' but a little ol' cricket bug.
Napoleon: It's squeaky shoes approachin'.
Lafayette: Aw, cricket bugs don't wear shoes.
Napoleon: Hush your mouth! Let's see... They're Oxford shoes... Size nine-and-a-half... Hole in the left sole, it sounds like.
Lafayette: What color are they?
Napoleon: Why, they're bla—Well, how would I know that?
