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Quotes / Ripple-Effect-Proof Memory

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Lightning: Serah. The truth still survives. But only you remember it.

Serah: Well, perhaps history changed, somehow?
Noel: You mean, your memories are true, but history was altered afterwards?
Serah: Of course, that's not really possible. I know that. But I just don't understand how I can remember it so clearly, when no one else can.
Final Fantasy XIII-2

The Visitor: Don’t worry, when we cancelled the creation of the time brigade, their whole life was remodeled by the reality shift… They don’t remember anything !
Raph: Well then, how come we remember them ?
The Visitor: Because we directly caused the shift, and as such, unlike the average mortal, our conscience manages to hold reality's multiple layers and you totally didn’t understand anything of what I just said, right ?
Raph: Yeah, totally.
Le Visiteur du Futur

J'onn: I know you must be confused. I was too, but it happened. It all happened.
Kara: Why are we the only two that remember?
J'onn: What are we that they are not?
Kara: Paragons.

Lucy Weber: Okay... what kind of sick joke is this?
Talky-Walky: This is no joke. Please, you must believe me! I think — I think you are the key. Whatever happened when reality was rewritten didn't affect me. Maybe because I am a machine or — I don't know why. But I'm still here and I remember everything! I rebooted and woke up in a trash heap. I've nowhere else to go.
Lucy: Goodbye.
Talky-Walky: No! Please! It's all true. Your father was really a superhero!
Lucy: There's no such thing as superheroes.
Talky-Walky: Not anymore. But there were. And I think we can find them together!

"Hayden isn't being paranoid when he says someone's always trying to reshape the world. That's true. The Anti-Monitor. Superboy-Prime. Darkseid. And Barry Allen. Hayden isn't being delusional when he says he sees things from a higher place than the rest of us. He's watched the world be rewritten so many times now that it snapped his mind. I almost feel sorry for him. He probably doesn't remember what reality is supposed to look like anymore."
— Batman (Thomas Wayne), Flashpoint Beyond issue #2
