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Quotes / Red Baron

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But still, it was hard not to worry about what would happen if Sermung ever fell. The Crystal Titan was a name that carried so much weight behind it. In some places, its mere utterance was enough to prevent war. And as long as those other names were out there—names like the Mad Demon, the Living Void, the Monster of the East, and the Salesman of Death—as long as those existed, the Crystal Titan seemed entirely needed. Lawrence could hardly imagine anyone ever being able to step up and fill those enormous shoes.

Ishamael: Once I was called Elan Morin Tedronai but now—
Lews Therin: Betrayer of Hope.
Ishamael: Yes, Betrayer of Hope, so have men named me - just as they named you Dragon. But unlike you, I embrace the name. They gave me the name to revile me, but I will yet make them kneel and worship it. What will you do with your name? After this day men will call you Kinslayer. What will you do with that?

"Warlock. They called him the ‘Sovereign of the Red Skies’, whatever that was supposed to mean – Praesi liked to tack on fancy titles to everything, it was like a cultural compulsion. Came from the centuries of unrepentant villainy, probably."

"You know what they call me in the ancient legends of the Dalek homeworld? The Oncoming Storm. You might have removed all your emotions, but I reckon right down deep in your DNA there's one little spark left. And that's fear. Doesn't it just burn when you face me?"
The Doctor, Doctor Who

Viggo: It's not what you did, son, that angers me so. It's who you did it to.
Iosef: Who? That fucking nobody?
Viggo: That "fuckin' nobody"... is John Wick. He once was an associate of ours. They call him "Baba Yaga."
Iosef: The Boogeyman?
Viggo: Well, John wasn't exactly the Boogeyman. He was the one you sent to kill the fucking Boogeyman.
Iosef: Oh.

Mark: You got a catchy name for this one?
Ilene: Local legends call it... Rodan, the Fire Demon.
Mark: That's comforting...

Locke: Your people used to call him "Demon". Was that an insult, or a compliment?
The Arbiter: An insult to be sure. But one with a modicum of respect.
Halo 2 Remastered

Sohachiro Tsuchiya: You know the master's banner. What is printed there?
Takemaru: Swift as the wind... Quiet as a forest... Fierce as fire... Immovable as a mountain.
Tsuchiya: The lord is that mountain. Both in battle and at home, he is steadfast, like a mountain. When his army advances, first the horsemen attack, swift as the wind. Second, the lancers raise a forest of spears, advancing with silent resolve. Third, more horsemen engulf the enemy ranks, as mercilessly as fire. And the lord is always behind them, watching over them, immovable as a mountain. That is why our army, from general to foot soldier, can fight so resolutely... Immovable as a mountain. The lord is that mountain. So we call him "the Mountain."

Syrup: My candy is top tier. Seriously. That's why they call me the Great Candy Alchemist, Syrup!
Trick: Woah, such a cool title! I'm just plain old Trick.
Syrup: Hah. You could be something cooler if you wanted. Just make something up, and get everyone to start saying it.
Trick: Oh, but I don't really have any ideas....
Syrup: It's easy. What about... tourist wolf... Traveler? Wander Wolf? Ehh, you figure it out.

Kyril: You know who I am.
Unnamed prisoner: You're Kyril the Bloody. The-The Reaper.
Kyril: Reaper? That's a new one I haven't heard at all.

In the first age, in the first battle, when the shadows first lengthened, one stood. Burned by the embers of Armageddon, his soul blistered by the fires of Hell and tainted beyond ascension, he chose the path of perpetual torment. In his ravenous hatred he found no peace; and with boiling blood he scoured the Umbral Plains seeking vengeance against the dark lords who had wronged him. He wore the crown of the Night Sentinels, and those that tasted the bite of his sword named him... the Doom Slayer.
Slayer's Testament I, Doom (2016)
