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Quotes / Recognition Failure

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Marie: I'm Marie. I know you're probably a bit starstruck, but I need you to get over it. Yes, I'm THAT Marie. You know...from the Squid Sisters.
[Agent 4 has no reaction]
Marie: You've never heard of me? For eel? Well, you obviously aren't very cultured, but you'll have to do.

"Michael Jackson": I can't believe you never heard of me. I'm a very popular entertainer.
Homer: Oh, of course I've heard of you. I mean you'd have to be living under a rock not to know—What'd you say your name was?
"Michael Jackson": Michael Jackson
Homer: Doesn't ring a bell.
"Michael Jackson": Well, have you heard of MTV?
Homer: Nope.
"Michael Jackson": Motown?
Homer: No.
"Michael Jackson": Beat It?
Homer: You beat it!
"Michael Jackson": Thriller?
Homer: What was that last one?
"Michael Jackson": Thriller.
Homer: Nope.
The Simpsons, "Stark Raving Dad"

It's me! Phil! (Beat) Ken. (Beat) Se. (Beat) Be. (Beat) N.
Phil Ken-Sebben, Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law

I was in the airport going home from VidCon and a woman strolls up behind me and she is a little bit peculiar looking and I don't think I'm making a judgment to say so, I think she probably means to be. She's very small, somewhat voluptuous, lots of make up and very fancy clothes and with her are four very big guys, a kind of entourage if you will. All I see people around kind of fumbling with their cellphone cameras getting ready being like, maybe that's an important person. She has a very distinctive look and I actually see her later on a YouTube thumbnail and I figure out who she is, she is Snooki from the Jersey Shore, and if you don't know who Snooki is, as far as I'm concerned you win. And someone walks up to Snooki and is like “Snooki can you take a picture with me?” and Snooki was like “yeah, I'll take a picture with you” and then they took a picture together. But then somebody walked up to me and was like “Hey! Are you Hank Green? Can I take a picture with you?”. And Snooki was confused. And that is what it's like when worlds collide.

(after already interviewing him about the last American presidential election)
Journalist: What is your delegation?
Rebelo de Sousa: The Portuguese one.
Journalist: And your position?
Rebelo de Sousa: I am the President of the Portuguese Republic.
"I had quite the attitude as a young pop star; it's easy to get caught up in the hype. It changes you. So I was on the set of the music video "Ashes to Ashes" ... So off I go, singing and walking, but as soon as I do this old geezer with an old dog walk right between me and the camera...
As he is walking by the camera the director said, 'Excuse me mister, do you know who this is?' The old guy looks at me from bottom to top and looks back to the director and said:
'Of course I do! It's some cunt in a clown suit.'
That was a huge moment for me. It put me back in my place and made me realize, yes, I'm just a cunt in a clown suit. I think about that old guy all the time."

Winters: Look, fella, we don't know anything about a secret formula. I'm Jonathan Winters, the famous comedian.
Vernon: Jonathan who? The what?
Winters: Jonathan Winters, the not-so-famous comedian.

Scrooge: I can vouch for (Dewey and Launchpad), I don't know the masked one.
Darkwing: Seriously? I starred in a movie for you. We fought the moon together? You dressed up as me.

Leonard Nimoy: I'd say this vessel could do at least Warp Five!
[Townspeople laugh]
Mayor Quimby: And, let me say, "May the Force be with you!"
Leonard Nimoy: [Annoyed] Do you even know who I am?
Mayor Quimby: I think I do. Weren't you one of The Little Rascals?
The Simpsons "Marge Vs. The Monorail"

"That is the extent to which this guy's anonymity is a borderline superpower: he is in the most famous episode of one of the most popular television shows in the world, doing the thing he is famous for, and no one noticed. That is Keyser Söze shit!"
Nish Kumar on the drummer from Coldplay, Live at the Apollo

Veteran Child: God, you remind me so much of...
Keith David: Oh, not this again. Look, I get it. I remind you of Julius. Yes, yes, yes. I remind everyone of Julius.
Veteran Child: Julius? No, no, no. I was gonna say you remind me of that actor.
Keith David: Oh. Well, I am that actor.
Veteran Child: You, woah, this is trippy. I can't believe I'm hanging out with the guy from that Ghost Busting movie.
Keith David: No, that's... ahhh. Never mind.

Who the Hell is that?!? Howard Stern?!
Hank Hill, on seeing former Surgeon General C. Everett Coop on television, King of the Hill

Peter Quill: There's one other name you might know me by... Star Lord.
Korath the Pursuer: ...Who?

Greg: Your book was so inspiring, Mr. Mandela. It made me want to become journalist.
Nelson Mandela: I am so happy it spoke to you.
Stan: I don't know what book he's talking about, but I love your movies. Especially The Bucket List. Whew, it got me. It got me.
Greg: Stan, I think you're mistaken.
Stan: [to Nelson Mandela] Aren't you Morgan Freeman?
Greg: This is Nelson Mandela. Why did you think I was calling him Mr. Mandela?
Stan: I thought it was one of Freeman's many nicknames like Captain Morgan or Freckles.

Hank: Who is this guy?
Lincoln's Ghost: Abraham Lincoln! Sixteenth president of the United States! Come on, you're kidding me!
Dean: Yeah, didn't you learn anything in bed?
Lincoln's Ghost: All right. All right, how 'bout this? I'm the five dollar bill guy.
Hank: You invented the five dollar bill?
Lincoln's Ghost: Yes, Hank. (shaking his head in resignation) Yes, I did.

Johnny: Hey! You're Fidel Castro!
Luke: Uhh no. Luke Perry.
Johnny: Right. What did I say?

Pinky: Wanda, meet the one and only, BoJack Horseman.
Wanda: Who?
BoJack: BoJack.
Wanda: Who?
BoJack: BoJack Horseman.
Wanda: That name supposed to mean something to me?

Dan Bongino: Biden is a disgrace to humankind. An embarrassment to the human race in every respect.
Stephen King: Yes. But he’s got a real job, not a podcast.
Dan Bongino: Yeah, you’re right. Millions of listeners a day on my podcast while you’re watching porn in your momma’s basement yearning for the days that people actually gave a shit about your dumbass. Nice comeback dipshit. Get a real job loser.

Male Test Audience: You know that dude in the mustache is really gnarly!
Female Test Audience: Is he in a band?
Jay Sherman:*facepalms* That's Adolf Hitler! Don't you recognize him?
Male Test Audience: Oh right! He played the mailman on Cheers.
The Critic, Dial "M" For Mother
