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Quotes / Puppy Love

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"Maybe the biggest difference in the hop in age is the very slightly added plausibility to speculation on any romantic angle between them. This is very important for fans who aspire to, and are busy even now, shipslashing these characters into oblivion. I have done the world this service."
Andrew Hussie, on changing the ages of the Homestuck kids from 10 to 13.

"I was born in Little Rock,
Had a childhood sweetheart,
We were always hand in hand.

I was hightop shoes and shirt tails,
Suzy was in pig tails,
I know I loved her even then."
Stevie Wonder, "I Was Made To Love Her"

Scamp: "But… I love her, Dad."
Tramp: "Whirlwind, you're a puppy. I know you like her a lot, but you don't love her - truth be told, you barely even know her. You can't just say you love her after a couple days- "
Scamp: " -A couple days? And how long did you know Mom before deciding you loved her? Oh, right, just a couple days!"

Emily: You "like" James.
D.W.: No, I don
Emily: Hush. However, you're also the biggest 'realist' I know. So you figure - and rightly so - that whoever eight-year-olds 'like' and 'don't like' probably won't amount to much in the long-run.
D.W.: …Which is exactly why I don't waste my time with it!
Emily: …Except that it's not really the sort of thing you can help, is it? Which is why - whether you knew it or not - you've been trying to protect it! You know that if you talk to James one of two things is going to happen: either you're going to end up having to say you like each other in a way that's not ambiguous enough for either of you to dance around it anymore… …or it turns out he's not sweating any of this in the slightest because it turns out you were playing this weird little infatuation 'game' by yourself the whole time! …And I don't think you're ready to deal with either of those outcomes…are you?
